Message to users from the destream team

Published in
1 min readFeb 28, 2022

Dear friends, to the great regret of us all, the world situation now leaves much to be desired. We understand this very well and know that many of you rightly think about changing the scenery or moving to other countries to live and work. After all, a peaceful sky above your head is one of the most important values ​​in a person’s life.

If you’re thinking about moving to Cyprus, then let us assure you that this beautiful island is an excellent place to relocate (especially considering the specifics of our creators’ remote work). However, moving is not an easy task, and is most often complicated due to legal issues.

But don’t lose heart: we often say that we’re more than just a team of colleagues in an online platform, we’re family and are ready to offer you legal assistance.

From now on, any content creator from countries affected by political unrest who decides to move to Cyprus will receive free legal assistance from destream. It’s going to be different depending on each specific case and will be provided to everyone regardless of geographical location. To receive assistance, please contact us:

Peace to everyone!

