Philanthropist Streamers

Published in
6 min readDec 30, 2019

Many perceive the idea of making a living by establishing a gameplay broadcast (or especially Just-chatting) as something incredible… and frankly unfair.

The general belief is that streamers (especially the rich ones) are typical egoists who earn unfairly big amounts of money and do nothing that brings value.

We, at DeStream, totally disagree with this opinion, and today we are going to convince you that being a popular streamer means having a huge media-base. If this type of media-base is in the right hands it can do a lot of good.

Dr. Lupo

Let’s start with some of the latest news. Just the other day a famous American streamer Ben “DrLupo” Lupo has raised over $2 million after a 24-hours-long charity stream. The money raised was sent to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

DrLupo’s contributors list included such famous names like Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, Tim “TimTheTatman” Betar, Saqib “Lirik” Zahid and others. In addition, the top donors list had companies like Logitech, State Farm and so on.

However, Twitch was the most distinguished one among them. After raising more than $1.2 million, Ben received a gift from Twitch. The gift caused jaw-dropping amongst the streamers: Ben got a $1 million donation from the platform!

It’s worth mentioning that this was not the only charity event held by DrLupo. In June, 2019 during Guardiancon, he raised almost $1 million after a four-hour charity stream. This money also went to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Speaking of Guardiancon, their charity block achieved a world record in 2019, raising more than $ 4.2 million for charity. In addition, it is the biggest gaming charity event in the USA.

So let’s go back to the question of whether the streamers’ activity is `useless” or not. This example has shown us that a huge and a loyal media-base can not only do great things, but it can also get the attention of the giants like Logitech and Twitch.

Well, this question is answered, let’s move on to the next point on our list.

Z Event

We are heading to Europe, or rather, to France, where two streamers, Adrien “ZeratoR” Nougaret and Alexandre “Dach” Dachary, created a whole charity project of French-speaking streamers.Created in 2016, the project becomes more and more successful each year.

The first Z Event was held in 2016 and was dedicated to combating drought in Ethiopia and managed to raise €170,000. The next year, the marathon accepted donations for the International Committee of the Red Cross to help those affected by the hurricane Irma. This time viewers sent more than €500,000.

In 2018, the participants of the event raised more than a million euros for the first time. The event was held from November 9 to 11, 2018 with the aim of collecting donations for the “Médecins sans Frontières” association. 38 streamers participated during the event. In 53 hours they raised more than 1,100,000 Euros, which for the full restoration of the destroyed hospital in Yemen.

And finally, the 2019 Z Event was the largest of all. From September 20 to 22, 55 streamers raised more than €3.5 million.

The marathon was held in Montpellier and lasted 54 hours, and many famous personalities and companies have done their own contribution to the charity. The Riot Games company donated €20,000, French companies Brut and Webedia — €35,000, one of the most famous streamers in the world Tyler “Ninja” Blevins — €26,000, and a lot more.

A million euro from the raised money was sent to Institute Pasteur, where a new laboratory was built. Even the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, congratulated the participants of Z Event 2019 with a record on his Twitter.

“55 French gamers have just raised the time of a weekend more than 3 million euros for the benefit of the Institut Pasteur. You are inspiring and you show us that everything is possible to support a cause for which we believe. well done!” — said the president

Z Event has become the biggest gaming charity in Europe and once again shows that when people come together, they can accomplish anything. And when this spreads with the multiplier effect,they begin to beat records over and over again.

Stream Family

Our last destination point is Russia. Especially their charity project called Stream Family. Helping Greenpeace, sending funds to organizations that help homeless animals, struggle with children’ diseases… This guys do everything.

First established in 2018, Stream family streamers have managed to raise more than $60,000 The team includes such famous content creators as Alexey “HardPlay” Baranov, Stas “This is xoroшo” Davydov and others.

In December 15, 2018, on the eve of the New Year, Stream Family, in association with “фонд Линия жизни” (Lifeline fund) and, held their most resultative charity stream. The broadcast participants have raised more than ₽1.2 million for six seriously ill children.

The stream-marathon lasted 12 hours, from noon to midnight, during which every content creator talked about each of the children and encouraged the audience to donate for their treatment.

Stream Family is the biggest gaming charity community in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). The organization is still relatively young, but the guys promise that in the future they will achieve even greater goals.

“Sometimes it’s very nice to make mistakes in your assumptions. When we started preparing for the charity stream, there was no particular hope that so many people would respond. December is the most crowded time for most. But how cool it was to get more and more answers “Of course, I will help.” Therefore, I want to say thanks to all the ambassadors, guests and musicians of the stream, as well as to the “behind the scenes” workers — the organizers and partners. Thanks to our joint efforts, we brought six children closer to a happy life.” — said streamer Olga “Olyashaa” Saxon, one of the main participants of the December marathon.

Well, today we delved into the topic of charity streams and learned about three super-large-scale charity events. Let’s also not forget that the streaming world is evolving day by day, and today’s records are likely to become commonplace things in the future.

And finally, let me remind you that we are DeStream — an emotional donation platform providing new experiences and eliminating borders between viewers and content creators.

We blur the boundaries between the screen life and reality, and If you’re an online content creator or wish to become one, we have great tools to ease your job and help you become unique and attractive. For more information visit our website:

