Real stories too hard to believe. MMORPG-s.

Any place where there are people soon turns into a collection of incredible narratives... Even if this place is virtual

16 min readDec 2, 2019


The History of mankind is very rich in various narratives. Some of them are true, and some are not. From the moment the first man was born on Earth to this day, the most incredible things have happened. Legendary wars shook the Planet. Bright victories and crushing defeats were constant companions of humans on their path. Epic heroes and insidious traitors were the cause of the rise and death of Great Empires.

But what if I tell you that such stories happen not only in real life, and not even in Hollywood movies.

MMORPGs — a specific kind of video games, where you can become almost anyone you want. You can be a pilot of a giant spaceship crushing enemies with only one hyper-cannon blast. You can be a cowboy, riding a horse on the prairies of wild-west. You can be a formidable ork with giant axe, a refined elf with enchanted bow or a knight that slays a giant fire-breathing dragon and rescues the princess.

The only two things you need are your desire and time. That’s why people spend huge amounts of time and energy on such games, forming different types of communities and even countries in virtuals worlds.

Nevertheless, even in online-games there are people that managed to break away from the rest and create their own history. These are the people who are talked about all over the world… the worlds. Virtual worlds.

For this reason, we at DeStream have found five incredible stories from MMO-games for you. One will hardly believe some of them are true, but rest assured, all of these stories have really happened.

Northern War (Eve online)

The war that wrote a new page in the history of Eve online and became one of the most large-scale and legendary events in the game, engaging masses like never before.

Flight zone is clear, the asteroid belt is successfully passed, warp-engines are safe, getting ready to hear a story about an epic spacewar.

Eve’s universe is vast and unpredictable: never-ceasing conflicts for affluent planets and moons flare up in all corners of outer space. The largest and the most powerful alliances are disintegrating into heaps of very aggressive little bands. A two-player quarrel can become a massive battle of two powers using the most expensive spaceships and have losses of thousands of dollars.

Eve doesn’t love simpletons, and to be successful in this hostile universe, one must know how to plan and implement, to be a cunning and patient strategist. The maintenance of regions costs a lot of money, organizational skills and human resources. Enemies can burst out from anywhere.

Nevertheless, there was one significant region in the north, a peaceful region. This was very strange because the struggle for resources is the most crucial game mechanic, and northern areas are very rich. The reason for such imperturbability was Northern Coalition (NC) — the sole owner of northern regions and the most powerful organization on the server.

There were rumors that NC was able to take control of the entire galaxy (as it happened on the Chinese server). Despite this, they didn’t have Napoleonic ambitions: the coalition was busy becoming wealthier and stronger day by day. Sometimes they could attack neighboring regions, nonetheless, not for a particular reason, but just for fun. Every single player was afraid of them. The northerners were real overlords on their territory.

Such a measured pace of life continued exactly until NC attacked the eastern regions. All Russian players of the server were focused there. Fragmented into many relatively weak scattered alliances, they had neutral politics with anybody else and were busy hating and fighting each other. The Russians were doing just that when NC’s fleet appeared and started wreaking havoc in the east.

After a series of hard attacks, Russians “gathered the clans” and established a large union called Drone Russian Force (DRF). The DRF super-alliance was called to stop the invasion of the northerners, and this is where the legendary war started.

The confrontation was so severe and bright that even in real life not all wars can absorb so many emotions and struggle.

The creation of big Russian space-power didn’t surprise or scare NC. They were too strong of players to be scared of such a turn of events. Using arduous (and unshared till today!) spy games, they have managed to catch DRF into a trap: Russian fleet have been waiting for northern enemies in the center of Eastern region. To avoid game-crushes, even game developers have concentrated all available server-powers to the cluster, where the meeting of giants was decided to take place. Unfortunately for DRF the battle was as fleeting as it was grandiose.

When the action started, the Russian Titan-class ship (the biggest and the most armored battleships in the game) “Ragnarok” was destroyed in seconds, the pilot didn’t even understand what had happened. NC’s attack was fast and ruthless. The rest of the battle developed in the same manner. Powers of the North have won.

In this battle DRF lost 6 Titans and more than 10 motherships (the second most-powerful ships in the game). After a deserved victory, NC started methodically moving deep into the eastern regions.

Everything seemed to be lost for Russians, but this story wouldn’t be on our list if it didn’t utter something more reminiscent of a miracle, than real life. And this miracle was the fantastic recovery pace and cunning of eastern fleet.

After months of diplomatic tricks and games, DRF attacked one of the NC’s richest clusters. By doing so, Russians gave a start to the greatest battle in Eve Online history so far. In O2-O2-X system the main DRF fleet have prepared to finish the war forever.

Learning about Russians uniting in O2-O2-X, Bosses of Northern coalition started a massive attack on gathering Russian pilots, hoping to win with the same “lightning attack” tactics.

DRF mobilized all their pilots immediately, even in real life: heads of alliances were calling players by phone or SMS, friends were knocking each others doors with only one phrase: “It has started!”. Developers threw all server resources to this system. Over 2500 players were hanging in the air waiting for the signal to attack.

When the battle started, it turned into a massacre. Hundreds of ships were being destroyed in that battle every minute. Pilots were changing their ships and returning to duty. Terrible lags made players wait for a couple of minutes to do only a single shot. But even this couldn’t stop two fighting powers. The battlem ended only when the server closed for maintenance works.

After restarting the working process, everybody understood: DRF was the winner. They’d destroyed 8 Titans and 12 Motherships and lost 4 Titans and 2 motherships. Everybody forgot about counting smaller ships, because the casualties were uncountable. Developers even left corpses of spaceships in this cluster and changed the name of this system to “O2-O2-X Super Capital Graveyard”.

Soon after the great battle DRF started their march to the north, but NC bosses tried to cheat, using famous aphorism “all’s fair in war”. Even in online wars there are some methods that work in real life. For example, time zone differences. They were choosing time to attack Russians when they were asleep. It paid off : NC managed to slow Russians, but didn’t stop them.

After two weeks of partisan gameplay, came the x-time. Russians were tired of unending catching-up game and assembled all their might in the center of northern regions. NC battleships were preparing to defend their territories, having seen the quantity of DRF spaceships. Over 50 Titans, hundreds of motherships and myriads of other smaller battleships. Every single player understood that it was the end of Northern Coalition.

Russian forces dismantled NC and became the strongest power in the universe. Everybody was terrified of them. All alliances were waiting for actions from “Red Armada”. But DRF disbanded, and the usual existence of the server continued.

Soup march (Red dead online)

How one completely crazy idea can be supported by almost the entire community.

This next story is taken from the recent Read Dead Online (RDO). So, put on your hats and saddle up your horses, we are going to the wild west.

Once upon a time in the wild-wild west there was an “everyday-regular-normal” guy. He tried to do anything that was hard to do like becoming the fastest hand in the USA or being the coolest horse rider in a state. However, all of these titles were too hard to achieve for our wanderer, and he decided to cross all the state with a bowl of soup in his hand…

Yeah, it’s not the best peak to conquer, especially for a cowboy, but we cannot disagree with the fact that this is also a hard thing to do. For those who have not played this game, a logical question may arise: “What is so difficult in walking around with a bowl in your hands?” Let me explain it: there are two main problems in delivering a bowl of soup from one end of the map to another in RDO. The first problem is other players. Everybody knows that if you’re busy with doing something extraordinary or just strange in an online game, there will certainly appear a guy (a hater-player) that wishes to put some lead in your head, or a fireball, or a sword…or an arrow. But this is not the biggest obstacle for RDO player. Much more dangerous is game-physics. The landscape in Red Dead is very “moody”, almost every player at least once fell from a horse simply because he was descending from the smallest hill. You can fall on a plane surface even without a horse. So, I think you understand how difficult it can be to cross the map of RDO with all its potholes and ravines not spilling soup from the bowl. Now, let’s continue the story.

So our hero took a soup bowl in his hands and started his trip. On his way he (of course) met “hater-players”, who (of course) tried to shoot our wandered. A lot of relief difficulties were his “reliable” companions all the way. And the main problem was… the train: The shortest way to cross the map in RDO is the railway. There are a couple of bridges on the railway, and when a player is on a bridge, he risks either ending up under the wheels of a train, or falling into a gorge.

After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, our wanderer, not without the helping hand of caring players, reached the end of the map. His perseverance was awarded even better than he could have imagined. The community of players have heard about his epic journey and the next day the guy woke up as a new star of Red Dead Online.

One week later the “soup hero” decided to visit the place where he first started his trip. A bit later he found himself surrounded by dozens of players with (who would have thought) bowls of soup in their hands. The path began anew, and this time with a lot of like-minded people.

Let’s not talk about imagining a situation, where a bunch of seriously armed formidable wild-western man in dark shabby coats and revolvers on belts… are carrying bowls of soup.

This time the trip was a lot safer. And of course it was not surprising, especially when the soup is carried by a small army that is sufficient to capture some county town. However, the notorious train still killed a lot of players.

So, what have we learned from this story. Firstly, even the most crazy and meaningless undertaking can be supported by many people. And secondly, the statement that the Rockstar Games trains are the strongest and the most undestroyable things in the world was again confirmed.

The story tells us that after the trip all “soup cortege” members went to nearby saloon and celebrated the successful march until the morning.

For Horde and for ore! (World of Warcraft)

Story of a great and spectacular battle for… nothing.

If we talk about stories from online games, we won’t be able to avoid World of Warcraft (WoW). The history of WoW is rich in narratives for every taste. And now you will read one of the most unknown of them. So, take a seat in the tavern, grab a mug of cooling Pandarian ale and enjoy our next story.

World of Warcraft. Battles for territories, endless rivalry between good and evil, raids on unbeatable bosses, myriads of character abilities, duels for honor, and a lot more. You can find a whole fantasy universe in this game. And a few years ago the longest duel in all MMO history occurred here.

Russian (again) player “Tauren” (Death knight lvl 90) decided to level up his engineering profession. For this purpose he decided to ride his skeleton-dragon until he finds an ore. Soon enough he was lucky to land just beside the lode and start fulfilling his goal. The death knight took out his pickaxe and wanted to begin mining when a Paladin landed near on is gryphon.

Realizing that the fight cannot be avoided, Tauren bared his sword and prepared to fight. He was nicely equipped for PvP, but the Paladin of light was also heavily armed. The duel began.

Two foes have used everything, every single tactic, skill combination, cunning moves and auto-attacks, but both stayed alive. And even when one of them was almost dead, the character was starting to regenerate and the battle was starting again, and again, and again…An endless circle.

After 2 hours of endless face-breaking, opponents even forgot that the fight had started just for a piece of ore. Even an unlucky low-level scout wanted to join the thrashing, but he soon stepped back when he understood that it was too dangerous to get involved in such a showdown (it was a right decision: the guy would have been killed faster than he would be able to make the first shot).

The duel ended as suddenly as it began. After more than 4 hours, putting their swords back to scabbards, both rivals retreated. And nobody touched that piece of ore.

These two players are officially recognized as participants in the most meaningless and longest duel in the history of MMORPG-s.

Taxpayers’ money for the love of the game (Zhengtu Online)

A real-life story of an official who became the coolest player in the game.

All the stories told above were about IN-game events, but the next one will jump out of the screen borders.

This game can be unfamiliar to many of you. Zhengtu Online — an Eastern Asian fantasy MMORPG.

All player-communities are very diverse, especially in MMORPG-s, specifically in China. Chinese people have an insane love towards this category of online games. Even many of their officials play MMO-s.

Until 2006, a budget spreader Chu from Nanking periodically spent his money on Zhengtu. Several years later, when he realised that his money wasn’t enough to buy a new shiny armor, the clerk decided that he can spend the money of taxpayers for himself. This was the first time, when Chu took money from Nanking budget. A very small amount of money.

However, later on he did it again… and again, and again. In the long period of money-stealing , he might have even forgotten whose money he had spent on the game. Sometimes the Chinese clerk even flew to fan-meetings with this money and also paid for other guests. The guy managed to boost 2 accounts to elite status. From time to time he could spent 2000 dollars at once to buy somebody an in-game present. For such generosity Chu was known as “The coolest player on server”.

But in 2012 Chu’s life took a bad turn. He divorced his wife, had a lot of routine problems at work and Zhengtu became too boring for him. Watching his super-powerful character on the screen, the budget spreader asked himself a very evident question: “How much did I spend on this?”

When Chu watched his transactions, the total bill was terrifying. There was over half a million dollars spent for six years of playing. The most interesting thing was the fact that no one noticed it.

Chu went to police station and confessed to all his crimes, showing policeman the whole story of his Zhengtu transactions. The clerk was arrested and sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment.

Even though the morale of this story is very simple, many forget about it in the most important situations. You should never forget when to stop, especially if you’re doing wrong things.

Fall of the Queen (Eve online)

A story about how an offline agreement can generate the greatest and scariest deception in the game.

We are returning to space again to tell our last story for today. The most unbelievable one on our list.

Even if you haven’t played Eve, then after reading the first narrative, you probably noticed that the universe of the game is very rich in passion and emotions. Unfortunately, the same goes for betrayals. Treachery in Eve has become so regular that developers sometimes even joke that betrayals are a part of the game-mechanics. Since the game has a huge number of political elements, so called “palace intrigues” have become a separate art form for Eve players.

Year 2005. A very rich and powerful alliance of role-players Ubiqua Seraph (UQS) is ruled by a player with the nickname “Queen Mirial”.

On april 18th, Mirial went to ride on her super-expensive and fancy spaceship “Navy Apocalypse” to show others the might of UQS. There was another, even more formidable ship, the Imperial Apocalypse, in the escort manned by queen’s most faithful and high-ranked lieutenant Arenis Xemdal. They were flying leisurely, chatting and enjoying the ride. After an hour of swimming in space, the Head of one of the most powerful organisations in the game was dead, and her corporation was brought to its knees.

Many may think that it is impossible to overthrow such a power in half-a-day, but not the mercenaries of Guiding Hand Social Club (GHSC). So, let’s plug straight into the events of 2004–2005 and see how it happened.

Ten months before, the Director of mercenary corporation GHSC Istvaan Shogaatsu receives a message from a mysterious person. The message stated that for the dead body of Queen Mirial the strange “client” is ready to pay 1 billion ISK (currency of Eve online). The mercenaries agreed to fulfill this order.

Nevertheless, a lot of problems came to the surface on the way. Ubiqua Seraph was too strong to just attack them, and the main players of alliance were too skilled even for partisan tactics. GHSC needed a plan, and Istvaan approached it very thoroughly.

After more than two weeks of meticulous and diligent planning, the mission of GHSC has started.

In the next 9 months GHSC operatives were one by one becoming the members of Ubiqua Seraph. 9 months of insidiously schemed events, meant to gain trust and divert the attention of Mirial from where it should have been. 9 months of false careers in UQS for a big number of mercenaries: pilots, corp-hangar managers, lieutenants… Guiding Hand operatives were everywhere, on every level of Ubiqua Seraph. This was the most fantastic and ambitious plan to execute, and the mercenaries have succeeded.

All this time Mirial didn’t even realize that she had surrounded herself by enemies. Death was quietly creeping up behind, and the queen was too busy to feel it.

However, after the mercenaries infiltrated the Ubiqua Seraph, their plans changed. Operatives of GHSC understood that they could gain even more than 1 billion ISK from this order. This is what Istvaan Shogaatsu said about the situation:

“At the time of the contract signing, we requested one billion ISK, which was quite a sum so many months ago. We could never have foreseen, however, the gains upon its execution… we found ourselves staring at Fort Knox with the key in our hands.”

April 18th, 2005. The X-day. As soon as everything was ready, the only thing left to do was to give the last signal. The main elite operative of Guiding Hand convinced queen Mirial to have a ride on her new “Navy Apocalypse” spaceship (which was worth a couple of billions of ISK) to “show the might of Ubiqua Seraph” to the whole Galaxy.

April 18th, 5:00 pm. As it was already said, the queen and her most entrusted lieutenant Arenis Xemdal were flying slowly across the Haras solar system, when suddenly pirate battleships appeared. The shooting has started, but Navy Apocalypse was too strong to be damaged by space buccaneers, and the power of two super-ships (her and her lieutenant’s) was more than enough so not to worry about some pirates. The queen was safe… she was sure she was safe, when suddenly her ship was shocked by an unprecedented power. Imperial Apocalypse — her escort ship, her most trusted ally, had started shooting… at the queen.

One hour ago. The GHSC operatives’ chat was disturbed by just one whisper-like word: Nicole. Code-word Nicole — the execution has begun. In the next 5 minutes every corp-hangar, every office of Ubiqua Seraph was raided by disclosed Guiding Hand agents, unarmed UQS ships in space-ports were attacked by heavily armed traitors. Arenis Xemdal — the main operative of GHSC, fulfilled the most urgent part of the plan… He murdered queen Mirial, boarding her dead, space-ice covered body on his ship to the client.

On April 18th, 2005, at 6:00 pm, Ubiqua Seraph was over. The cost of damage was more than 30 billion ISK. Hangars were empty, battleships destroyed and queen Mirial was dead. UQS was on its knees, and only one message was left in the plundered offices of Ubiqua:

“This was an act of the Guiding Hand Social Club.”

So, these were our five incredible and inspiring stories from MMORPGs. As you can see, virtual passion and struggles do not differ from real ones at all, and life-colors of online-games sometimes shine even brighter than the ones in real life.

And finally, let me remind you that we are DeStream — an emotional donation platform providing new experiences and eliminating borders between viewers and content creators.

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