The Immutable Stream

Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2018

Ninja, Meclipse, Shroud, Dr Disrespect and countless others — they are the new television, the choice of entertainment of the new generation. They make millions as a living by generating entertaining content for millions of viewers around the world. And the love is mutual, as the followers of top streamers are eager and willing to shell out the money for their influencers. Basic human gratitude for a job well done and appreciation of art has always been the cornerstone backing the creation of quality content and entertainment. From the street musician and bard with a lute to the modern streamer who uses the most advanced technologies to either do stuff that others would never dare imagine or review even more advanced technologies — the entertainment industry in its many iterations has always stood on revenue from fans who value the efforts and passions of their influencers.

The industry for streamers will only grow, and the revenues generated by the millions of streamers around the world will soon top $7 billion by the end of 2018. These revenues come from both average fans and companies eager to tap into the targeted audiences of various streamers. But accountability and transparency are the key to making sure that donations reach their destinations with all the added benefits.

This is why DeStream is employing advanced blockchain technologies within the framework of its project to ensure that the streamers who will be registering on its platform get the benefits of peace of mind and security when receiving their income. There are dozens of platforms out there that various users need to register on to make sure that their funds reach them. The Stratis-based blockchain employed by the DeStream project will allow for unifying all transaction channels on a single platform, thus facilitating use and speeding up transaction processing to never before seen terms. The DeStream blockchain is free from such problems as delays in donation transfers, as the viewer sends the streamer their donation and the latter receives it immediately. Since the donation is an emotional impulse, DeStream increases the chances of repeated donations and helps streamers retain their audiences.

Another important reason for the application of blockchain within the DeStream platform is the factor of accountability. The immutable nature of blockchain will allow donation senders to be sure that their funds will reach their destination guaranteed, thus excluding the possibility of fraud, claims of non-payment, delays and transaction lockups.

The smart contract system is yet another vital component of the blockchain that will allow for verification of task completion by streamers, ensuring fairness and transparency of fulfillment, thus nullifying the factor of fraud that has plagued the blogger market. This decentralized manner of approach will ensure the scalability of the platform as the number of users grows and the flexibility of integration of various applications that participants would be willing to incorporate into the system as added services.

The blockchain framework will act as the basis for an ecosystem of fair payments for the internal marketplace that DeStream intends to open for all participants. The internal currency DST tokens will act as immutable and exchangeable assets that will be independent of various currency rate fluctuations, ensuring that all participants receive their due fairly and instantly.

And last but not least, the main advantage of the DeStream project offered by its implementation of blockchain solutions is the 0.77% commission fee per transaction, which is a far cry from the commissions charged by other platforms. Such an approach allows the project to offer its many participants the opportunity to earn more on doing what they love best, and donation contributors to be able to afford even more rewards for their influencers by avoiding immense commissions.

There is no doubt that television will shift into the internet entirely sooner or later and the countless names of streamer fans will replace the actors on screen as the new generation seems to have chosen. And DeStream aims to become the backbone and supporting pillar for streamers, ensuring their financial security through the application of advanced technologies.

