Top 10 Biggest Donations to Twitch Streamers of All Time

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8 min readMay 22, 2023

Hello, guys! destream is here and today we’re going to talk about the top 10 highest amounts donated to Twitch streamers over history.

Big donations are remarkable contributions that not only showcase the immense support the streamers receive but also demonstrate the deep connection and appreciation within the Twitch community. These donations can range from thousands to millions of dollars, leaving both the recipients and the viewers in awe.

Now, without further ado, let’s go!

No 10. The mysterious supporter

Streamer name: Lea “LegendaryLea” Currier

Amount donated: $22,000

In a truly remarkable display of generosity, LegendaryLea, a former Twitch streamer known for her Hearthstone content, experienced an unexpected windfall when she received a staggering $22,000 donation from the enigmatic benefactor Amhai.

The mystery surrounding Amhai’s true identity has sparked numerous speculations, ranging from a wealthy Saudi patron to a closely affiliated figure within the Twitch ecosystem. However, nobody knows for sure who Amhai is, so let the mystery remain so.

Lea, in particular, was profoundly affected by Amhai’s remarkable donation. The substantial sum not only provided a significant financial boost but also served as a testament to the deep admiration Amhai held for her content.

No 9. Amhai does it again

Streamer name: Isaac “Azael” Bentley

Amount donated: $30,000

Azael — a former Twitch streamer, WoW champion-rank pro player, and current LCS caster, is known for his entertaining and informative content on World of Warcraft.

The life-changing moment of Azael occurred when he captured the attention of the renowned and mysterious philanthropist Amhai. Despite having a relatively modest following, Azael’s authentic connection with his viewers and genuine appreciation for their support struck a chord with Amhai’s soul, leading to an extraordinary donation of $30,000.

Azael’s story is a great reminder that acts of gratitude and authentic engagement can pave the way for unexpected support from those who recognize and appreciate these values.

No 8. Mr. Beast being Mr. Beast for $30,000

Streamer name: Thang SpaceLyon” Phan.

Amount donated: $30,000

In an awe-inspiring turn of events, SpaceLyon, a former prominent Fortnite streamer, found himself at the receiving end of an extraordinary surprise. Mr. Beast, widely recognized for his philanthropic endeavors on YouTube, demonstrated the interconnectedness of the streaming world by gifting SpaceLyon with a generous $30,000 donation.

The impact of Mr. Beast’s donation has echoed through SpaceLyon’s streaming journey. Beyond the immediate financial benefit, it symbolized the recognition and validation of SpaceLyon’s talent, which is far more valuable than money. The support from a renowned figure like Mr. Beast not only boosted SpaceLyon’s following but also inspired him to continue pursuing excellence in his content creation.

You can watch the video where Mr. Beast donates to SpaceLyon by clicking here. Besides, you can watch the same video from Thang’s perspective (click). Enjoy!

No 7. Mr. Beast being Mr. Beast for $50,000

Streamer name: Tyler “Ninja” Blevins

Amount donated: $50,000

It’s hard to find a person who’s interested in live streaming and doesn’t know who Ninja is. And it’s even harder to find a person that watches Internet content and doesn’t know who Mr. Beast is. But what happens, when you mix these two crazy popular guys in one story?

It was during Ninja’s highly anticipated charity stream that this extraordinary act of generosity took place. Throughout the stream, MrBeast made multiple donations to Ninja, resulting in an astounding total of over $50,000 raised through Twitch donations. At the time, this remarkable contribution stood out as one of the largest Twitch donations ever recorded, solidifying the profound impact of MrBeast’s support of Ninja’s charitable endeavors.

The collaboration between Ninja and MrBeast during that charity stream has clearly showcased the power of their combined influence. And it was immense! The video of Mr. Beast donating $100,000 to Ninja is here. Enjoy watching!

No 6. Another story about Amhai

Streamer name: Thomas “Sodapoppin” Morris.

Amount donated: $57,000

Sodapoppin, a renowned figure in the World of Warcraft community, experienced a jaw-dropping moment when he received an astonishing $57,000 donation from… yup, the legendary Amhai.

Known for his entertaining streams and engaging content, Sodapoppin’s friendship with Azael, who’s also on our list and also received a generous donation from Amhai, likely contributed to the support he received.

This story serves as an inspiration for both aspiring and established content creators, highlighting the potential for unexpected acts of generosity and the incredible impact they can have within the streaming world.

Here’s one of the videos where Thomas receives $21,000 from Amhai. This series of donations was the last and made up $57,000 in total.

No 5. It was the right decision.

Streamer name: Ben “CohhCarnage” Cassell

Amount donated: $62,000

Originally studying game design at Full Sail University, Ben Cassel made the bold decision to leave his studies behind and fully commit to a streaming career. Since then, he is known as CohhCarnage — a popular Twitch streamer and YouTuber, who’s also etched his name in the annals of streaming history with a staggering Twitch donation of $63,000. We guess, in his case, leaving the University was the right decision.

While CohhCarnage’s journey has not been without its share of challenges, one notable incident brought both controversy and awe. During a charity stream, Ben believed he had reached an astounding milestone of raising $1 million. However, it was later revealed that a record-breaking donation of $600,000 was… yeah, fake. Nonetheless, during that stream, CohhCarnage received a $32,000 donation and was left speechless. Seconds later he received another $30,000, which shocked him even more.

You can watch the video of CohhCarnage receiving a total of $62,000 on that charity stream by clicking here.

No 5. Mr. Beast is killing it with a $70,000 donation

Streamer name: Jack CourageJD” Dunlop

Amount donated: $70,000

CourageJD — a professional gamer, former Twitch streamer, a Youtuber, and co-owner of the 100 Thieves organization, found himself at the receiving end of a substantial Twitch donation worth $70,000. However, this donation was not just a random act of generosity; it was the result of CourageJD’s exceptional performance in a Fortnite Battle Royale tournament.

CourageJD’s victory in the tournament caught the attention of none other than Mr. Beast. In a display of support and admiration, Mr. Beast generously donated $70,000 to CourageJD’s Twitch channel, highlighting the significance of competitive prizes in the world of streaming.

We have the video of Jack’s reaction to the $70,000 donation from Mr. Beast. Enjoy watching!

No 3. The power of friendship

Streamer name: Sam “ExoticChaotic” Welly

Amount donated: $75,000

Exotic Chaotic, a former Twitch and YouTube streamer, had a jaw-dropping moment when he received a whopping $75,000 Twitch donation. This astonishing act of generosity came from KingMascot, Sam’s good friend and fellow Twitch user and streamer who had achieved remarkable success through early investments in Bitcoin and stock trading.

KingMascot knew his friend was not in a good place financially, and this was his way of support. This unbelievable act of camaraderie and generosity highlighted the power of strong connections and support among streamers, demonstrating that even in the competitive streaming landscape, friendships can thrive and lead to incredible opportunities

Here’s the video of Sam’s reaction to the astonishing $75,000 donation.

No 2. The contribution to charity.

Streamer Name: Tyler “Ninja” Blevins

Amount Donated: $100,000

This story will also be about Ninja. This staggering Twitch donation of $100,000 was made during a charity stream for GuardianCon, a famous gaming convention dedicated to supporting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

The identity of the anonymous donor behind the $100,000 gift remains a mystery, sparking speculation among viewers and fans (many have pointed towards Mr. Beast).

While the donor’s true identity remains unknown, the generous act itself captured the attention and admiration of the streaming community. This monumental contribution, although not directly given to Ninja, showcased the incredible impact that streamers can have on charitable causes.

Here you can check out Ninja’s reaction to the amazing $100,000 donation.

No 1. When they know you offer value

Streamer name: Benjamin “DrLupo” Lupo

Amount donated: $1 Million

Taking the top spot on the list of the biggest Twitch donations of all time is DrLupo. A former popular Twitch streamer and YouTuber in current, Benjamin received a GIANT $1 million donation during a charity stream. The unique aspect of this donation is that it came from Twitch itself, making it a groundbreaking contribution that stands out among other streamer-to-streamer or viewer donations. This is so far the biggest donation ever made on Twitch.

With an impressive following of 4.5 million on Twitch and substantial personal earnings from the platform, DrLupo’s dedication to charitable causes and his exceptional relationship with Twitch culminated in this monumental donation.

We’ve got the video of DrLupo receiving a crazy $1,000,000 donation from Twitch. Enjoy watching.

Here comes the end of our article about the Top 10 highest Twitch donations of all time. The stories here not only show the immense power of community, friendship, appreciation, and dedication but also highlight the great impact content creators can have on charity and on the communities they serve.

Have a good day, stay creative, and don’t forget that if you’re looking for the best platform for content creators to send/receive payments and donations, destream is your number 1 option. Our job at destream is to make sure that your payments, donations, and withdrawals are cost-efficient, fast-working, and hassle-free. You can check out the amazing functionality we have by visiting our website.

