Destruction of Earth#1

Jade Burkhart
Destruction of Earth//Pollution
2 min readOct 16, 2018

Memoir of pollution

Waking up in the morning and getting “fresh air” is not possible anymore. Taking long drives to many ponds, lakes, and beaches that lead right into the ocean is not something to run into without warning. Even common everyday aspects of people’s lives are changing due to the pollution of Earth. Growing up a little 5 or 6-year-old me didn’t know why my parents told me not to go under water, why we would have to wear shoes in the water, why placing down towels on top of the sand was dangerous. Seeing all of the burned up remainder of cigarettes, plastic forks and spoons, and the broken glass that sits underwater and washes up onto the sand makes me wonder what the point of going to such places would be fun to people or how did it get so bad that our world will very soon only display the pollution we have drowned and covered it in.

Taking vacations is not amusing, I have only ever been to dirty beaches even in countries far away, City streets will mound of trash everywhere you turn block to block, Country roads lined with trash of all sorts, and all the pollution does is sit there pile up needing to be cleaned but rarely ever does and never will be cleaned. But who cares about it? You might have a chance to see a random news article or see pictures in the news but who knows how to prevent it and who changes what they buy or use to protect the planet their future generations are going to grow up and walk on? The answer is not enough. Not enough people participate in even the simple tasks that are as easy as dropping a can in a recycling bin, they just don’t care, being in the mindset that it doesn’t matter when it does it really does. I suppose we will wait till everyone is living in a landfill, when the cleanest water comes in bottles that are $3 for 8 ounces, everyone is sick, people begin to dream of clean air because they feel they are suffocating, and society begins to wish things were better how it once was on Earth.

