Meet the Team: Gagan Sarai

Gagan Sarai
Destructive Digital
3 min readApr 12, 2018

I think it’s about time we introduce ourselves, don’t ya’ think?!

Let’s take a peek behind the curtain and see who is making the magic happen. We’re a lean, mighty and passionate team who love what we do. We really want you to get to know us, more than just our excellent work but our amazing personalities… we're still normal(ish) people 😊.

To kick-start this we’re introducing a series of blog posts for Meet the Team. This’ll give you the chance to truly get to know us and what we’re all about.

To start the series off I’ll be introducing myself!


I’m Gagan, the Digital Marketer at Destructive Digital.

What does my role involve
My role involves assisting the planning, execution and optimization of Destructive Digital marketing efforts (phew — that was quite the mouthful). I truly enjoy learning about how digital can be a strong asset to securing a scalable revenue stream — my job is to find interesting and creative ways for digital marketing to assist with this!

Favourite part of my job
My favourite part in particular is optimising social media, both personally and for Destructive Digital. We all love to tweet, add a filter or two on our selfies and rant all over Facebook (…guilty 🙋) but utilising social media platforms from a business perspective has always been intriguing to me.

Goals for the year professionally
My professional goals for the year are to continue growing into my role at Destructive Digital, helping shape the digital marketing side of the business. Whilst finding ways which we can grow online and developing my networking skills through different means including attending events and workshops.

Favourite food
This is quite a hard one!

However my favorite food has to be a toss up between pasta 🍝 and pizza 🍕 (…I can never just choose one!)

As a vegetarian i struggle to find good places to eat, so there’s nothing like a good home-cooked meal by my mom.

Best place i’ve travelled to
I haven’t travelled to many countries, but this is certainly something I wish to do in the near future. So far I have visited India, America and Spain and also have a trip planned to Croatia in late summer, which I am super excited about!

My favourite so far will have to be sunny Spain! I have been twice, and have never had a bad time there. I will be making a third trip this summer, this time to glistening Madrid… which i absolutely cannot wait for! 🇪🇸

A country i’d love to visit
I have a huge list of countries I want to visit, but sitting at the top of that list are Thailand or South Africa. 😍 I would love to go on a South African safari — I am a huge animal lover!

Favourite TV series
Oh this one’s a no brainer… Peaky Blinders of course! (it’s the Brummy in me).

One thing on my bucket list
Anyone who knows me well knows that I am always adding things onto my bucket list. I have a huge list of things I want to achieve, including travelling the world and also doing a skydive for charity!

Random fact about me
I’m vegetarian and want to become vegan — but i just love cheese way too much!

Let’s start a conversation.
Email me on or check me out on LinkedIn.

Learn more about the team at Destructive Digital in our Meet the Team articles.

