Meet the Team: Alex Wiley

Alex Wiley
Destructive Digital
4 min readApr 24, 2018

At the heart of what we do is thinking. Thinking and planning. A core of this is our UX expertise, ensuring we know the user inside and out.

I’m Alex, a UX/UI engineer at Destructive Digital.

What does my role involve
I’ve been part of the team since day 1, almost a year and a half ago, and oh how that time has flown by!

Being at a company since day one is exciting, challenging and daunting but most of all it’s been an incredible experience and formed countless lifetime memories.

Within the team I specialise as a UX/UI engineer with the majority of my time being split between planning and designing world-class user interfaces through, and then bring that design to life.

On a day-to-day basis my focus is on creating unique, tailored and positive, user journeys. Constantly challenging the way in which brands interact with their consumers encompassing the design and development of all manners of UI from apps to web.

UX is a profound passion of mine, the science behind how an application is designed and how the design influences the user experience really intrigues me, it’s something I am continuously working on to advance my knowledge in the field. As a very sociable person, I thrive on human interaction; this is something I am keen to integrate into my daily workflow. Along with this comes my commitment to help create a thriving company culture with an atmosphere where work is fun, enjoyable and something that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning!

Favourite part of my job
Taking a project from conception through the planning stages, into UX and design then through development is something I find incredibly fulfilling. Creating user interfaces that enable brands to connect with users in the right way bringing a positive experience to both sides, that’s what makes me feel great.

UX is my mindset, Design is my passion and Development is my tool. Combining these I help our clients go take their ideas and bring them to life. For me this is the experience that makes it all worthwhile.

Goal for the year professionally
My goal for the year is to develop my skill set across the board. We all have things we can improve on and i’m no exception to the rule.

My focus right now is to keep outputting amazing content and material across the board, maintaining quality consistency whilst also developing new skills and techniques.

I’m also in development of a new project with Destructive Digital that I’m excited to talk more about soon and kickstart that having a changing the way we work in a positive manner.

Favourite food
As anyone who knows me will know I am really not that picky when it comes to food, there are very few things that I will not eat!

With that being said though, one of my favourite foods in this world comes from where it all began; my mother. She makes the most amazing stacked mexican tortilla dish which blows my mind every time!

Best place i’ve travelled to
We(Destructive Digital)recently had a trip to NYC and Washington, it was my first time visiting the US and an actualisation of a dream for me. I was concerned that I’d built up such a dream of America from my childhood that the reality would be somewhat of a disappointment… I’m very glad to say I was so wrong.

Visiting New York for the first time was one of those life experiences that’ll be with me forever. It opened my eyes to a new world and ignited my drive to explore the rest of America.

Worry not Canadians, Toronto is a close second on that list!

A country i’d love to visit
India has always fascinated me, with the mass cultural diversity and differences from my world it’s somewhere I’d love to discover more about.

Being able to visit a culture where the things I take for granted in life are not a given is something that’ll help me grow as an individual and better appreciate the value of the life I’m living.

Favourite TV series
I love watching Movies and TV when I get the chance and this question really only has one right answer…Suits!

One thing on my bucket list
Living in the United States of America 🇺🇸
Not necessarily permanently but it’s somewhere I want to immerse myself in with the culture and the people.

Random fact about me
I love to ski and really enjoy throwing myself down the side of an icy mountain whenever, and wherever, possible.

Let’s start a conversation.
Email me at or introduce yourself on LinkedIn

Learn more about the team at Destructive Digital in our Meet the Team articles.



Alex Wiley
Destructive Digital

Co-Founder of Bel 💪🏼 | Product Manager 📄 | Developer 💻 | Product Design 🎨