Published in
4 min readFeb 9, 2017

Valentine’s Day is a chance for people to shower their loved ones with gifts, it is a day of loving and nurturing relationships. It is also however — and quite fortunately so — a day of sales! Whether you’re selling fashion, consumer electronics or skin care products, you too can join in on the Valentine’s Day sales bonanza. Let’s explore some Valentine’s Day ideas which will help you to grow your business!

Desygner Templates.

Another way you can join in on the fun is by offering a limited time only couple’s package. For example, let’s say you have a skincare brand, you could create a pack featuring one of your more masculine products combined with one of your more feminine products and label it the ‘Flawless Couples Kit’. You can then launch a campaign encouraging couples to upload images of themselves using your new kit with the tag ‘#flawlesscouple’ and simply select a few to repost on your page and acknowledge the uploaders. Voila!

On the day offers!

All businesses can benefit from Valentine’s Day in one way or another! If you are a restaurant or café owner, you can make a lot of people’s special day, even more special. Offer something unique to draw couples into your joint, whether through some sort of breakfast, lunch or dinner deal, couples will be seeking venues at any time of the day. You could even create a new product or offering entirely. For example, bake up a Valentine’s Day Cheesecake for your café and sell it at half price with any coffee purchase in order to provide a comprehensive and delicious breakfast solution for several couples.

Desygner template.

I want to know what Love is…..I want your brand to show me!

Believe it or not, Whitney Houston and your customers have something in common… they both want you to show them what love is! Valentine’s Day is a beautiful gift to your business from the universe of advertising. It is a shining opportunity for you to show your brand’s soft side and truly build a loving and emotionally relatable persona for your brand. Doing so will allow your customers to see the human side of your company and can build brand preference and make your brand more trustworthy.

For example, you could write a passionate love letter from your business to a personified image of your customer/user base in the form of a Facebook post. Desygner has made one! And we meant everything we said (we really do love you guys!).

This design was made specifically for this Article.

You don’t need money to come up with Great Valentine’s Day Ideas.

You don’t have to go spending hundreds on a marketing agency to come up with brilliant Valentine’s Day ideas for your social media page. All you need to do is keep it simple and try to create heart-warming content that your viewers will find relatable. Below is an example of a cute social media post we designed to make you guys go “awwww” and smile. Did it work? Let us know in the comments.

This design was made specifically for this Article.

Working hard or Hardly working?

In the end, Valentine’s Day is about spending time with your loved ones. So make sure to prepare everything you need in advance so that you can tuck all of your worries away in time for you and your loved one’s special day. You can create everything that we covered in this article using our super simple platform. So be sure to make the most of Valentine’s Day as it is a day of nurturing relationships, and creating new ones. Nurture your relationships with your customers and create special moments for them as well as yourself and those you love. Now go out there and spread some love! Spread this blog too while you’re at it. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Published by Dylan Birot.




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