Det Digit
Det Digit Art
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2020


WILL THEY BECOME EMOTIONAL ROBOTS? Creativity lies entirely with the programmer!
SAE: Who will join our Mars project?

Claris last email to me said: ”I am ill. I need you as my best friend!”

I love Claris. I feel my face glowing. I am thrilled to my fingertips. I oversee my life so far. I try to imagine our future life as robots on Mars. The moment to take action is there.

Claris has figured out what it will be like on

The Red Planet

but I don’t see the full picture yet. The emotions involved in becoming a robot among my robot friends, but leaving Claris and my beloved earthly environment behind, are still incomprehensible.

Steve mailed a schedule that he found as a discussion document for our first consultation.


Sae: I understand our robots need constant improvement.

But not all of us have a full understanding of the terms AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (machine learning) and DL (deep learning). We will have to resolve that confusion first!

I understand what Steve is saying because I chose an education in Artificial Intelligence, necessary to program my robot SA-09.

But there are more important human values ​​such as love for nature and friendship between people. The emotional qualities of our friends are indispensable. We will need feelings like laughter and sorrow to make our life as robots enjoyable, too.


While basic machine learning models do become progressively better at whatever their function is, they still need some guidance. If an AI algorithm returns an inaccurate prediction, an engineer has to step in and make adjustments. With a deep learning model, an algorithm can determine itself whether an action is accurate or not, using its own neural network.


Working at least 10 hours a day to reach the top, I became a walking dead woman like a beast in a trap, no space to enjoy love music dance, no time to plot an escape to a far away uncertain Mars. During my job as a programmer it was all about efficiency!

Was there ever enough room for Uncertainty, Creativity and Emotions in your self-deciding deep learning robot program, Steve?

Looking at what is really important in my life, I no longer want to pretend everything is fine. Peeking into the world outside, I no longer adapt to orders from my parents or my bosses but fight! Fight against discrimination of so many people. Fight against efficiency. I want to break the oppressive ties with my history and learn to listen to my heart again.

How close my robot will be to my new friends in space? Claris and I want to play with the wind and the sky and love and freedom!

Love and Freedom

For so long I was victimised by Korean social norms while chasing after something invisible. I never took risks before. Now I will make a decision independently for the first time. I am ready to step into the dark!

BRAIN BODY ENVIRONMENT CREATIVITY Cut back or innovate? How to handle the future?


That’s why I live on the beach in East Australia nowadays, looking for sky and wind, looking for new vistas. Hoping the world might reopen, and thinking a lot about the uncertainty principle itself. There’s on the one hand my familiarity with probabilities but on the other hand my AI program has important limits when making decisions for the future. As a scientist, despite my luxury of quantification and precision, I am not much better equipped than anyone else these days.


SA-09 received a first message from CL-01:

Claris died yesterday as a combative emotional woman. I, CL-01, I am ready for our big trip. I hope all my Mars friends follow soon. You are still alive and we promised each other to guard one another and help to develop our human values as soon as we know how to implant them in our program.

I will do my best to make our dreams come true. Our little robots, as Claris called them, will become the exciting creatures I have been looking forward to, programmed with emotions and the result has to be happiness!

SA-09 and CL-01 are ready to leave Earth, sent off by Sae. Who will join us?

This conversation is inspired by these books in >>>Det Digit Art Library<<<

NEXT >>> PART 3: TO MARS? >>>

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