Access Planning: How Leveraging Drones, LiDAR, and HD Imagery for Powerline Construction and Maintenance can Supercharge Your Operations

Joe Richard
3 min readDec 4, 2023


Maintaining and constructing transmission lines may seem straightforward, but ensuring adequate access for personnel and heavy equipment is often a complex task. Factors such as shifting terrains, vegetation growth, and recent weather events can all complicate access to these structures. Before work can commence, comprehensive and detailed access plans must be developed to guarantee both cost-effective and safe operations.

Maintaining and constructing powerlines involves an array of complexities — challenging terrains, stringent environmental guidelines, and high costs. Traditional methods in determining the best access to remote transmission assets can be time-consuming and potentially dangerous. Along with powerline inspections, Detect is revolutionizing the development of access plans by deploying drones equipped with LiDAR and high-definition (HD) imaging technology. This sophisticated approach greatly enhances access planning for powerline maintenance and construction, making operations safer, more efficient, and cost-effective.

Satellite imagery — which trails are actually accessible?

Challenges of Traditional Access Planning

  1. Environmental Constraints: Conventional methods struggle to navigate through diverse terrains and natural barriers.
  2. Resource Allocation: In the absence of real-time and accurate data, optimal allocation of resources can be challenging.
  3. Cost: Traditional approaches are labor-intensive and costly, requiring extensive ground travel through challenging terrain.
Challenging Right-of-Way Terrain

Multifaceted Benefits of Drones, LiDAR, and HD Imagery

Real-time, High-Accuracy Data Collection with LiDAR

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) utilizes lasers to measure distances with extreme accuracy. When incorporated into drones, LiDAR produces detailed 3D maps vital for topographical assessments. Moreover, LiDAR can measure potentially dangerous slopes and determine precise clearances for overhead obstacles, such as bridges or other powerlines. This ensures safer and more efficient planning. Additionally, the LiDAR technology can confirm if potential access routes are suitable for construction access, providing an extra layer of assurance in the planning stage.

Sample LiDAR Data Capture

High-Definition Imagery and Video

Equipped with high-definition cameras, our drones offer an additional layer of essential data. The clarity of HD imagery and video allows the early detection of potential obstacles, wet areas or nearby wildlife.

Live Streaming for Real-Time Decision-Making

One of the standout features we offer is the ability to live stream the drone’s field of view. This enables key team members to direct operations and view critical data in real-time, from anywhere. No longer do all decision-makers need to be present on-site, thus enhancing the efficiency of the operation.

Safety and Compliance

Drones furnished with LiDAR and HD imaging minimize the necessity for human involvement in hazardous or hard-to-reach locations, thus bolstering safety. The quality data acquired helps to ensure compliance with all environmental and safety standards. Having an organized record of data collected can also remove the need to go back to the field and repeat the same travel to confirm records made during the first outing.


Utilizing drones with advanced technologies such as LiDAR and HD imaging is far less expensive than traditional means. Better quality data facilitates better planning, which subsequently reduces the time and resources required for construction or maintenance.


Detect is wholly committed to digitizing the world’s physical infrastructure. Our groundbreaking approach to powerline access planning, combining drones with LiDAR and high-definition imagery, offers an unparalleled blend of safety, accuracy, and cost-efficiency. As we continually innovate, we’re shaping a future where preventative maintenance becomes a standard aspect of utility infrastructure management.

By adopting these advanced technologies, we’re redefining what is possible in utility infrastructure management, paving the way for a more reliable and sustainable future for everyone.

