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deterritorialization — a publication dedicated to theory

Buen Ravov
4 min readOct 10, 2023


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Back in 2017, when I first joined Medium, I found it hard to believe there was not any, literally any, serious publication that dealt with, generally speaking, critical theory. At the moment of writing, there are not many publications truthfully occupied with the philosophy of society, culture, and politics either. Epoche migrated to their domain. Apeiron Blog has not published anything for quite some time. A Philosopher’s Stone and Original Philosophy are probably the last straws for the drowning in “10 things you should(n’t) do" Medium reader, solemnly concerned with his own times.

There are truly great scientific journals, some of which accept philosophical pieces. There are, of course, some small publications (from 10–20 to 200+ followers), but their visibility, hence reach, as well as the area they strive to cover, still does not fill the need for a serious, critically engaged, and philosophically informed discourse that seeks to present complex ideas, original contextualization, and the history of radical thought and their employment in our here-and-now as eagerly as possible.

That is what deterritorialization will strive to be.

