Detour is free until Labor Day

Andrew Mason
Detour Blog
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2017

With our recent expansion to 17 cities and 150 tours, it’s never been easier to try Detour. Now, we’re making it even easier: Until Labor Day, Detour is completely free!

If you haven’t tried Detour yet, audio tours probably still remind you of being bored in a museum. We’ve spent the last three years turning that image on its head — creating a social and immersive way to explore incredible places on your own terms with the people that know them best.

Detours are location-aware, so you can tuck your phone away and focus on the sites. They’re social through our one-of-a-kind group audio sync feature. And we found the best storytellers and narrators (like Ken Burns and Radiolab) so you could walk in the shoes of people who make you see places in a completely new way.

Detour has become an essential part of travel for many of our customers; some even plan their trips around the cities where Detour is available. We’ve been blown away by the response so far, and are excited to be making it even more accessible.

Download Detour today and take as many as you want between now and September 4th for free.

