Introducing Detour BYOD for Museums

Andrew Mason
Detour Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2017

For years, museums have been anticipating a future where audio tour rental devices would be replaced by visitors’ own smartphones. The rental device customer experience is clunky and conspicuous with their bulky protective cases and lanyards, and they create additional cost and operational complexity for museums.

Many museums have tried offering apps, but few have seen greater than 10% of total tours taken on user devices — rental devices dominate. So we built rental device support into Detour Platform, thinking of it as a necessary evil.

However, since launching a year ago, we’ve been surprised to find that all Detour Platform museums are seeing 50% or higher BYOD (“bring your own device”) adoption. Detour shows that with the right customer experience, visitors will use their own devices.

Introducing Detour BYOD

Detour BYOD is a new way for someone that already has (or doesn’t want) a rental device solution to use Detour Platform. It’s designed to be a painless way to drive up your museum’s BYOD rate, reducing costs and improving customer experience.

Here’s what you get with Detour BYOD:

  • World’s best audio tour customer experience. Publish and sell your tour through the Detour app and take advantage features you can’t find anywhere else, including location-aware immersive walks, group audio sync, augmented reality, and a lot more. And by publishing to the Detour app, you’ll reach the hundreds of thousands of users that already have the Detour app installed on their phone.
  • World-class tools for content production, management, and deployment. Use Descript and Decentral to centrally produce and deploy your content to both the Detour app and 3rd party rental devices.
  • Indoor positioning not required. If you don’t have the resources to get your venue mapped by Apple and Google, no problem — Detour now has a great version of its experience that’s adapted for venues without indoor positioning.
  • Fast and easy onboarding. Just send us your content, and we’ll have you up and running in two weeks or less. No up front fees — we only make money when you sell your audio tours.
Detour Platform Plans

Detour BYOD is a powerful and risk-free way to use Detour to reduce costs and increase take-up rate and complexity. Contact us to get started.

