The 5 Types of Nonfiction Genres

There is so much more to nonfiction writing than may you think!

Pamela Hilliard Owens
Detroit Ink Publishing (DIP)


Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash

Usually, when you tell someone you are a writer, the first thing that comes to mind is that you are a novelist; that you write fiction. Fiction literature, including short stories and novels, includes imaginary events, people, and characters. However a great portion of published writing is nonfiction, that is, writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people. Just as there are several genres in fiction: mystery, historical, fantasy, romance, suspense, and so on, there are also several genres of nonfiction. If you are a writer deciding what type of nonfiction book to write, other than what best matches your passion, training, and experience, it is good to know which genres are the top choices for readers.

1. Research Nonfiction (Straight Fact-based Nonfiction)

There are two broad categories of nonfiction writing. Research nonfiction, such as straight journalism, relies on the gathering of the facts and the relevant information on a particular topic. The research is used to bring context to the topic and is used when preparing for interviews and helping with the understanding of the topic for the article or news story. Often a journalist is under a tight deadline, but other times…



Pamela Hilliard Owens
Detroit Ink Publishing (DIP)

Solopreneur. I maximize branding and marketing for independent writers and creative and solo professionals with online training courses and one-on-one coaching.