How Innovation Is Fueling A City’s Resurgence

Detroit, Michigan

Fares Ksebati
4 min readMar 5, 2014

Sometimes our greatest creations come out of our darkest hours. The constraints we face are often the impetus for new and creative ideas.

In 2008, the world witnessed a recession cripple some of the nations most industrious cities and hard-working families. There was no American city hit harder than Detroit. With over one quarter of the workforce unemployed, many considered the city a desert for growth and innovation.

The future for Detroit seemed bleak. There were many who doubted the city’s recovery; and with a troubled financial and political network, many wondered if Detroit could ever come back.

While the outside world watched in horror as a great American city collapsed at its hinges, native Detroiters rallied. You see, Detroit is the innovation capital of the world.

Generations ago, Detroiters introduced the world to the modern automobile and have since built a legacy for entrepreneurship. The spirit is contagious, and Detroit does, in fact, hustle harder. A few years ago, Detroit’s social, cultural and economic landscape lay in stark contrast to what it is today.

For a city that has been known for its wavering political actions and fiscal mismanagement, Detroit is making a name for itself as a city that is fueling its resurgence through innovation.

“Creativity and innovation are truly the currencies of success.” — Josh Linkner

Josh Linkner, a partner at the prominent venture capital firm, Detroit Venture Partners, is on a mission to make the world more creative. Rock Ventures Chairman Dan Gilbert, has invested nearly 1.5 billion dollars into the revitalization efforts seen downtown. These are just two individuals out of the many who are investing their financial and intellectual capital to re-energize the city.

They are bringing entrepreneurs from across the world to contribute to the city’s comeback. More importantly, they are empowering the citizens of Detroit and the surrounding region to contribute in Detroit’s modern renaissance by providing the proper tools and resources.

Spirit of Detroit

Taking Innovation to the Neighborhoods

While significant financial investments are needed to stimulate the city’s core, financial capital alone is not enough to empower the neighborhoods. One organization in particular, is taking a unique approach to revitalizing Detroit.

“Challenge Detroit is creating a new model for urban revitalization” — Deirdre Greene Groves

Deirdre Greene Groves serves as the Founding Executive Director of a year-long fellowship program called, Challenge Detroit. By attracting talent from across the country to Live, Work, Play, Give, and Lead, these young professionals are reinvigorating the city through social impact projects. Fellows employ powerful design thinking processes to the challenges they tackle with the non-profit organizations they work with across the city including:

  • Transportation
  • Land Re-Utilization
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Community Engagement
  • Homelessness
Design Thinking Diagram

Design thinking is a concept used by the worlds most inventive companies. Both Apple and IDEO employ the design thinking process to create the most iconic product offerings the world has ever seen. Fellows use this process to empathize with each non-profits stakeholder groups. As a result they are better suited to craft innovative and creative solutions given the constraints of each organization. In the end, the citizens of Detroit benefit most from the collaborative design techniques used in Challenge Detroit’s unique approach to revitalization.

SEE ALSO: Challenge Detroit More Than Just A Fellowship

Some of the most innovative concepts in urban renewal are taking place in Detroit. From urban farming, to new methods of blight removal, Detroit is realizing unique strategies to take on complex problems that are facing other cities across the United States and the world.

Design Thinking Process

Innovation is the catalyst for any city’s resurgence. Whether it’s in Detroit or any other city; sometimes we just need to take a step back, and look at our situation through a creative lens. Remember, our most innovative ideas can be born from the adversity we see in the present.

How are you applying innovative thinking in your city?



Fares Ksebati

CEO at @MySwimPro | Founder of #WorldSwimDay 🌍 | Forbes 30 Under 30 | TEDx Speaker | I write on entrepreneurship, startups, and early-stage angel investing! 🚀