Please Help: Bringing an Urban Legend to Life

Instilling New Hope into an Old City

Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement


Good people of the world, you helped make this happen -


As a native Detroiter, we’re trying to lift up my city, and hopefully the world with a message of Hope, Renewal and Perseverance through powerful stories.

It’s funny and strange that as an author, I might have a hard time writing something like this. I’ve never put this down in words before or even spoken about it, but maybe it’s time.

We’re coming to end of our Kickstarter campaign and we’re far short of our goal.

At this point, it’s more important that you know how much this project means to me and our team than anything else.

When I lost my job in 2008, it was scary as hell. I felt like I was looking down into a dark abyss with no idea how far down it went and no prospects for getting out of it. I tried to put on a happy face and fake it, but my family knew and still they supported me. A wife and four kids is a big responsibility and now I felt that weight more than ever.

Over the next few months, we almost lost everything. We were threatened with foreclosure, sued for overdue credit cards and had our minivan repossessed at 1:30am in the morning. We were not alone as our story was playing out in myriad homes and houses around the state and throughout the country.

Then I discovered the Nain Rouge. In a weird way, the legend found me. There was something about the story of a harbinger of doom that seemed very appropriate to our troubling times.

It was writing about this legend that saved my sanity. I would sit for many hours in coffee shops and libraries, scouring the internet for jobs and then diving deep into my manuscript. In a time of hopelessness, the act of writing gave me hope. And as I wrote the first book in the series, I wrote it with the thought that others might find hope in the words I’d written.

That is why this project is so important. It’s a folk tale and legend, yes. But it’s much more than that. For I believe that stories have the power to change us and in doing so, change the world.

This is one story that changed my life. And I believe in my heart of hearts that it could do the world good to hear it.

So, we are bringing a 300-year old legend of the Nain Rouge (Red Dwarf) back to life using Cryptofolk in a graphic novel. In the process, we will be aiding our city, our region and the rest of the world by promoting the power of the human spirit and the singular force of change that comes from people joining together for a cause. The Nain Rouge is a harbinger of doom that appears just before a tragic event. He feeds off of the negative energy that humans can create and grows stronger as human weakness and failings increase.

This is the story we’re telling and we desperately need your help. We’re crowd funding the graphic novel and we are far short of our goal with little time left. We only have until April 12th to reach our goal. If we miss the mark, we lose everything.

Won’t you please help us bring this story to the world? We need you to back our cause and send out a message to the world that as human beings, we all have the power to create positive change.

Please click on the link below and help us make a change for the better of our community and the world:

Like the ancient legend of the phoenix who is consumed by fire and rises again from its own ashes, we want to bring new life to this legend, our city and an international community who believes in the power a great story brings.

Please help us by clicking here:


The Nain Rouge Project Team



Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement

Josef Bastian is an author, human performance practitioner and often an odd duck.