Deus Ex DAO partner with IPOR Labs as advisors in their pursuit to become the heartbeat of DeFi

Deus Ex DAO
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2022

Deus Ex DAO is proud to announce an advisory partnership with IPOR Labs.

Deus Ex DAO will assist IPOR in their goal to become the go-to DeFi platform for interest rate derivatives and to make the IPOR interest rate indices the heartbeat of DeFi. Deus Ex DAO will assist IPOR with their product positioning within DeFi to grow usage of the IPOR derivative products and acquire liquidity, as well as advise on product strategy, business development and marketing strategy.

IPOR is a complex and intriguing DeFi protocol. We found the IPOR team to be passionate and experienced experts in their fields who breathe the spirit of crypto. Therefore, we are excited to support them on their mission to develop the DeFi credit market yield curve and a permissionless ecosystem of interest rate derivatives on top.

About IPOR

Interest rate derivatives are a major asset class in traditional financial markets. Interest rate derivatives are used to swap rates in money markets, often from a fixed to floating rate and vice versa. In DeFi such instruments are rare, while money markets are being used at large to borrow and lend crypto assets. The rates on these platforms tend to fluctuate with the volatility of assets and utilization rates that are typical of the cryptocurrency market. IPOR strives to provide the products that help their users to get insights into these rates (The IPOR Indices), provide liquidity for competitive real yield and trade or hedge interest rates through their sophisticated request-for-quote AMM.

About Deus Ex DAO

If you are a crypto project seeking funding, business development, product or marketing strategy, Deus Ex DAO wants to hear from you. We are a group of critical DeFi users with a broad network. View our services and reach out through our website or Twitter if you think we may be a fit.



Deus Ex DAO

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