DynamoDB: Unleashing the Power of Scalable NoSQL

Gagan Kushwaha
Deutsche Telekom Digital Labs
8 min readJul 20, 2023

With more data, comes higher need for efficient handling responsibilities.

With more than five products, live in more than 10 European markets, we track and handle a wealth of data on a daily basis. To be able to manage this efficiently, we have been exploring scalable database solution. Recognizing the limitations of traditional SQL databases, DTDL has turned its attention to NoSQL databases as the ideal choice to meet its data management needs.

Our need for a flexible and adaptable database system, NoSQL databases provides the perfect solution by offering horizontal scalability. This allows for seamless distribution of data across multiple servers which means that as we continues to expand our products and markets, the database can effortlessly handle the increasing information load without compromising performance.

NoSQL databases also eliminates the rigid structure and complex schemas associated with SQL databases. This freedom from a predefined schema allows us to store diverse data types and formats, accommodating the company’s dynamic and evolving data requirements. Whether it’s structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data, NoSQL databases can efficiently handle it all, ensuring that we can and analyze valuable insights from various sources.

Advantages of DynamoDB

1. Seamless Scalability: One of DynamoDB’s key strengths is its ability to scale effortlessly. With DynamoDB, you can easily accommodate changes in your application’s workload by adjusting read and write capacities. Its auto-scaling feature automatically manages the provisioning of resources based on demand, eliminating the need for manual adjustments. This ensures optimal performance even during peak periods.

2. High Performance: DynamoDB is designed for lightning-fast performance, offering single-digit millisecond latency for read and write operations at any scale. It achieves this by distributing data across multiple servers using sharding and replicating data across multiple availability zones. Consequently, DynamoDB can handle millions of requests per second, making it ideal for applications that require real-time data processing, such as gaming, ad tech, and IoT.

3. NoSQL Flexibility: DynamoDB follows a NoSQL data model, offering a flexible schema that allows for dynamic changes to the data structure without requiring downtime or schema migrations. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for agile development environments where requirements evolve rapidly, enabling developers to iterate quickly and respond to changing business needs.

4. Fully Managed Service: DynamoDB is a fully managed service, meaning AWS takes care of database administration tasks such as hardware provisioning, software patching, and backups. This allows developers to focus on building applications rather than worrying about infrastructure management. Additionally, DynamoDB offers built-in monitoring and automated backups to ensure data durability and operational efficiency.

5. Global Data Distribution: For applications that operate on a global scale, DynamoDB provides seamless global data distribution. With Global Tables, DynamoDB can automatically replicate data across multiple AWS regions, enabling low-latency access to data for users around the world. This feature enhances performance and provides built-in disaster recovery capabilities.

Example Use Case: E-commerce Platform

Let’s consider an example to illustrate DynamoDB’s advantages. Imagine you are building an e-commerce platform that needs to handle millions of product listings and user transactions. Here’s how DynamoDB can excel in this scenario:

1. Scalability: DynamoDB allows you to scale up and down effortlessly to handle fluctuations in user traffic during peak shopping seasons or flash sales. As the number of users and transactions increases, you can adjust the provisioned reading and writing capacities to meet the demand, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

2. Performance: With DynamoDB, you can experience rapid and efficient product searches, inventory management, and order processing, thanks to its exceptional speed and impressive capacity for handling concurrent read and write operations. Your customers can enjoy seamless browsing and purchasing experiences without encountering any delays.

3. Flexible Data Model: With DynamoDB’s flexible schema, you can easily add or modify attributes to accommodate new product features or changing business requirements. This agility allows you to adapt to market trends and customer demands quickly.

4.Managed Service: DynamoDB’s fully managed nature relieves you of the burden of database administration, allowing you to focus on enhancing your e-commerce platform’s functionality and user experience. AWS takes care of the infrastructure, backups, and scaling, ensuring high availability and data durability.

Getting started with DynamoDB is relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you begin:

Step 1: Sign up for AWS and Access DynamoDB Console If you don’t have an AWS account, sign up for one at https://aws.amazon.com/. Once you have an account, navigate to the AWS Management Console and search for “DynamoDB” in the services search bar. Click on “DynamoDB” to access the DynamoDB Console.

Step 2: Create a DynamoDB Table. In the DynamoDB Console, click on “Create table” to start creating your first table. Specify a table name and the primary key attributes. The primary key consists of a partition key (required) and an sort key (optional). The partition key enables data distribution across multiple servers, while the sort key helps with sorting and querying data within a partition. Configure other settings like provisioned capacity (for manually specifying read/write throughput) or enable auto-scaling.

Step 3: Insert data into the table. With your table created, you can now add data to it. DynamoDB stores data in JSON-like structures called items. Each item contains attributes, and the attributes can be of various data types. You can insert data into the table manually through the console by selecting the table and clicking on the “Create item” button. Alternatively, you can use the AWS SDKs or APIs to interact with DynamoDB programmatically and insert data.

Step 4: Query and Retrieve Data DynamoDB offers various querying options to retrieve data efficiently. You can perform simple GetItem and BatchGetItem operations to fetch individual or multiple items based on their primary key values. For more complex queries, you can use the Query and Scan operations. The Query operation allows you to retrieve items based on the primary key and conditionally filter the results, while the Scan operation fetches all items in a table or a specific subset based on provided filters.

Step 5: Scale and Optimize Performance as your application grows, you might need to scale your DynamoDB capacity to handle increased traffic. You can adjust the provisioned capacity manually, but DynamoDB also offers auto-scaling, which automatically adjusts capacity based on the workload. Monitor your application’s performance and make use of DynamoDB’s CloudWatch metrics to optimize the table’s provisioned throughput and ensure optimal performance.

Step 6: Explore Advanced Features and Integrations DynamoDB offers advanced features such as secondary indexes, global tables for data replication across regions, DynamoDB Streams for capturing changes in real-time, and more. Take the time to explore these features and understand how they can enhance your application’s functionality and performance.

DynamoDB integrates seamlessly with other AWS services like AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, and AWS Step Functions, allowing you to build complex and scalable serverless architectures.

Example- Inventory Report Generation

Integrating DynamoDB with AWS Lambda allows you to build serverless applications that can perform database operations and respond to events. Here’s an example of how to integrate DynamoDB with Lambda using python and the AWS SDK (Boto3):

import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Initialize DynamoDB and S3 clients
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')
s3 = boto3.client('s3')

# Get the affected records from the DynamoDB event
records = event['Records']

# Iterate over each record and process inventory changes
for record in records:
if record['eventName'] == 'INSERT' or record['eventName'] == 'MODIFY':
product_id = record['dynamodb']['Keys']['product_id']['S']
quantity = int(record['dynamodb']['NewImage']['quantity']['N'])
price = float(record['dynamodb']['NewImage']['price']['N'])

# Process inventory report
total_value = quantity * price
report = f"Product ID: {product_id}\nQuantity: {quantity}\nPrice: {price}\nTotal Value: {total_value}\n"

# Export inventory report to S3
s3.put_object(Bucket='inventory-reports', Key=f"report_{product_id}.txt", Body=report)

return "Inventory reports exported successfully."

1. The code starts by importing the necessary `boto3` library and initializing the DynamoDB and S3 clients. This allows the Lambda function to interact with both services.

2. The `lambda_handler` function is the entry point for the Lambda function. It takes in two parameters, `event` and `context`, representing the event data and runtime information.

3. The `event` parameter contains information about the changes made to the DynamoDB table. In the inventory management use case, this event is triggered when there is a change in the inventory records, such as an addition or modification of products.

4. The code retrieves the affected records from the `Records` field in the `event` parameter. These records represent the specific changes made to the DynamoDB table.

5. The code iterates over each record and checks the `eventName` field to determine if it’s an `INSERT` or `MODIFY` event. These events indicate that new products have been added or existing products have been updated in the inventory.

6. If the event type matches, the code extracts the relevant data from the DynamoDB record. It retrieves the `product_id`, `quantity`, and `price` of the inventory item that has been added or modified.

7. The code then proceeds to process the inventory report based on the extracted data. It calculates the `total_value` of the inventory by multiplying the `quantity` and `price` together. This value represents the total worth of the inventory item.

8. After processing the inventory report, the code exports it to an S3 bucket named “inventory-reports”. It uses the `put_object` method to store the report as a text file with a unique key based on the `product_id`. Each report contains information about the product ID, quantity, price, and total value.

9. Once all the records have been processed, the Lambda function returns a success message indicating that the inventory reports have been exported successfully.

In summary, the Lambda function is triggered by changes in the DynamoDB table and generates inventory reports based on the added or modified inventory items. These reports are then stored as text files in an S3 bucket for further analysis or archival purposes in the inventory management use case.



Gagan Kushwaha
Deutsche Telekom Digital Labs

Software Engineer at Deutsche Telekom | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner