Jaskeerat Singh
Deutsche Telekom Digital Labs
3 min readSep 5, 2024


Enhancing API Testing with Caching Mechanisms for Seamless Authentication

API testing, particularly when handling large volumes of data, poses significant challenges. This complexity is magnified when testing authentication mechanisms, such as login and refresh token APIs. While automation can alleviate some of the load, fully automating these tests is rarely achievable, often requiring manual intervention to ensure the robustness of the authentication process.

The Problem Statement

One critical challenge in API testing is verifying whether a user’s refresh token continues to function correctly after a new release deployment. A refresh token, which allows users to obtain a new access token without re-authentication, must work seamlessly across deployments to maintain a smooth user experience. However, ensuring this continuity across releases is no simple task.

Why It’s Challenging

1. Token Expiry and Validation
Refresh tokens have specific lifespans and validation conditions. Testing them post-deployment requires precise timing to ensure they haven’t expired or become invalid due to changes in the deployment environment.

2. Environment Variables and Configuration
New releases often introduce changes in environment variables, configurations, or backend services, which can affect the validity of existing tokens. Testing these scenarios requires careful coordination and a deep understanding of the infrastructure.

3. Security Considerations
Refresh tokens are sensitive credentials. Handling them securely during testing adds complexity, as many automated tools aren’t equipped to manage security aspects effectively, often necessitating manual intervention.

Enhancing System Reliability with Caching Mechanisms

In complex systems, managing large data volumes or ensuring seamless performance after significant changes (like new deployments) can be challenging. Caching has emerged as a powerful technique to address these issues, temporarily storing frequently accessed data to reduce database load, improve response times, and maintain consistent user experiences.

Different Caching Techniques

Several caching mechanisms can be employed based on the system’s specific requirements:

- In-Memory Caching (e.g., Redis, Memcached): Ideal for storing frequently accessed data, reducing retrieval time from disk storage.

- Distributed Caching (e.g., Hazelcast, Apache Ignite): Useful for large-scale systems where data needs to be shared across multiple nodes.

- Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Caches static content close to users, improving load times.

In our case, we’ve implemented Aerospike to ensure session continuity across deployments.

Caching Mechanism with Aerospike

1. Pre-Deployment Caching
Before deploying a new release, we cache the user’s refresh token using Aerospike, a robust and scalable caching solution. This cached token acts as a reference point for validating token functionality after deployment.

2. Post-Deployment Validation
Post-deployment, our framework retrieves the cached token from Aerospike. We execute refresh token authentication tests to verify the token’s validity in the new environment.

3. Ensuring User Experience
Leveraging Aerospike reduces the risk of user frustration. In cases where a refresh token might fail post-deployment, users would typically be forced to log in again, which is particularly cumbersome in environments like Set-Top Box (STB) applications.

Integration with Jenkins for CI/CD Pipelines

To automate testing and validation of refresh tokens across deployments, our caching mechanism with Aerospike is integrated into our Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline using Jenkins. This integration improves the efficiency and reliability of our testing framework.

1. Pipeline Automation
Jenkins triggers refresh token caching pre-deployment, followed by automated release deployment and retrieval of cached tokens for validation. Each step is orchestrated to ensure proper execution.

2. Monitoring and Reporting
Jenkins provides built-in tools to monitor each pipeline stage’s success or failure. With reporting tools like Allure or JUnit, we generate detailed test reports offering insights into the refresh token validation process, allowing us to address issues proactively.

3. Scalability and Flexibility
The integration of Aerospike and Jenkins in our CI/CD pipeline allows our testing framework to scale efficiently. Whether we face increasing data volumes or more complex authentication scenarios, the pipeline remains robust and adaptable.

Security Measures

To secure tokens and sensitive data, we’ve implemented the following:

1. TTL Implementation: Tokens are stored in Aerospike with a Time-To-Live (TTL) of 1 hour, reducing the risk of token misuse by limiting their lifespan.

2. Secure Hosting: Aerospike is hosted on AWS within our QA servers, accessible only through a secure VPN, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.


Integrating caching mechanisms into robust API testing frameworks enhances the reliability and efficiency of authentication processes, especially when dealing with refresh tokens across deployments. By leveraging Aerospike’s caching capabilities and integrating with Jenkins in our CI/CD pipeline, we ensure seamless user experiences, even after major updates. This approach is particularly valuable for Set-Top Box (STB) applications, where user interaction is less flexible.

Through these strategies and security measures, we not only improve the reliability of our tests but also safeguard sensitive data, maintaining user trust and satisfaction.

