Backup and Restore Mongo Databases

Complete guide of how to backup and restore a database or a collection from mongodb

Gaurav Mehla
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2018


MongoDB is one of the most popular databases we have right now. It is currently been used with a lot of projects. As the usage increases, we start facing issues like taking backup and restoring it. So today, we will learn which tool to use for backup and restore & how to use them.

In this tutorial, we will take hot backup. i.e You can connect to a running instance of MongoDB and take a backup even when users are using the database.


  • Make sure you have installed MongoDB and it is running.

⚠️ Click Here if you don’t know how to install MongoDB

MongoDB version I am using

Tools we will use

⚜️ The list

  1. Backup a Whole database
  2. Backup a Single collections
  3. Restore Whole database
  4. Restore Single collection

⚜️ Backup Section

Backup a Whole Database

mongodump -d devdb -o mongoBackups

devdb is the name of the database and mongoBackups is the directory in which I want to dump the database

Backup a Single Collection

mongodump -d devdb -o mongoBackups --collection vehicles

devdb is the name of the database and mongoBackups is the directory in which I want to dump the database and vehicles is the name of the collection which I want to backup.

⚜️ Restore Section

Restore Whole Database

mongorestore -d devdb mongoBackups/devdb

devdb is the name of the database into which we will restore data and mongoBackups is the directory in which we dumped the database devdb

Restore Single Collection

mongorestore -d devdb -c vehicles devdb/devdb/vehicles.bson

devdb is the name of the database into which we will restore data and vehicles is the name of the collection & then the path of the .bson file.

🔅 If you have collection in .json then mongorestore will through an error. In that case, you have to use mongoimport i.e :

mongoimport --db devdb --collection vehicles --file vehicles.json --jsonArray

That’s it!!

Happy Coding !!

🎧 Listening to “Two Steps from Hell — Heart of Courage”, Focus… Focus.. & just Focus… Must listen.

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Gaurav Mehla

Software engineer & Web hacker. Spent 30+% of life on playing with JS