
Jeffrey Posnick
Dev Channel
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2016


If you’d like to turn the output of create-react-app into a progressive web app (PWA) with offline support, take a look at the create-react-pwa repo, and in particular, the GitHub diff of the minimal changes required.


create-react-app solves a problem that many folks (including I) have run into: how can you get started with a straightforward, client-rendered, single page React app and build process, without spending hours researching a list of (sometimes conflicting) dependencies to list in your package.json? It’s a project that came out of Facebook’s React engineering a few months back, and has since gained some significant mindshare in the web developer community.

…and it’s limitations

In keeping with the fewer-depencies-are-better-dependencies philosophy behind create-react-app, the maintainers appear to be vigilant in the fight against scope creep, and are keeping the project lean. That’s understandable, and it’s left up to end users to decide what additional functionality to layer on top of the project’s skeleton.

By design, the core of the build process isn’t directly extensible. It’s kicked off by npm run build and consists of

"scripts": {
"build": "react-scripts build"

But! The opportunity’s there to cleanly chain some additional commands after that initial react-scripts build, while keeping the react-scripts black box opaque, giving us the chance to modify the output of the original build process.

An Opportunity for PWA-ification

That gets to the heart of my investigation: what’s the easiest way to guide developers starting from a fresh create-react-app towards the end goal of deploying a progressive web app? Specifically, what would it take to add in a service worker that provided performance benefits as well as a meaningful offline experience, as well as a web app manifest that contained application metadata?

Adding a Web App Manifest

This is just a standard JSON file with fields containing metadata useful for controlling the “add to homescreen” experience (currently only on Android devices). While each developer needs to choose their metadata wisely, there’s nothing particularly challenging here from a technical perspective, and we just need to create the file and get it copied over to the build/ output directory as part of the npm run build process.

Adding a Service Worker

To handle the service worker, I (not surprisingly) turned to the sw-precache project. When added to a build process, it generates a service worker JavaScript file that will automatically version and keep all local static files — HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images, etc. — up to date. Because all of the create-react-app output is local static files (there’s no server-side rendering or remote API calls by default, for example), sw-precache can handle everything we need with little configuration needed.

While I’ve traditionally used sw-precache as a JavaScript module inside of a gulp build process, it also sports a command-line interface, and it’s simple to add in the sw-precache command to the end of the npm run build script chain.

The User Experience

Here’s what the deployed PWA looks like on Chrome for Android, going through the steps of accepting the Add to Homescreen banner, and then launching it without a network connection.

Screencast of the create-react-pwa output

Try it Yourself

The best way to visualize the changes to the build process, as well as the (small) modifications needed to the source code, is to view the GitHub diff between the starting point and the “final” PWA.

Take “final” with a grain of salt, because while you will end up with a build process that yields a progressive web app, there are many directions you might want to take the starter project, and some of those might entail a more complex service worker implementation. I’ve tried to cover some scenarios in the repo’s README, including steps to take if you’re using react-router and need arbitrary URLs to work offline, as well as how you can add in runtime caching strategies for calls to third party APIs and resources.

Beyond create-react-app

If you’re looking for examples of PWAs build with React that go a bit beyond what create-react-app offers — for instance, that take advantage of server-side rendering or are built on third-party APIs — there are a few examples I could recommend:

Originally published at on August 20, 2016.



Jeffrey Posnick
Dev Channel

I'm a member of Google's Open Web Platform Developer Relations team.