Why “Progressive Web Apps vs. native” is the wrong question to ask

Dan Dascalescu
Dev Channel
Published in
6 min readAug 23, 2016

Updated October 2022

I wrote this post in back 2016, when Progressive Web Apps were very new. Fast forward to 2022 — PWAs have been embraced by Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Pinterest, Telegram and many other brands, enabling fast, reliable, engaging and installable websites.

The road here wasn’t easy, and many misconceptions about PWAs stood across: <strike>they only work in Chrome, they can’t be as smooth as native apps, there’s no full-screen mode, they have to be Single Page Apps, building offline-first isn’t worth it etc.</strike>.

All of these are false, and I wish Medium allowed strikethrough text, so I could emphasize the point.

Not only that, but PWAs offer key advantages vs. mobile apps: only one codebase, much smaller download size, seamless installation, and no need to keep pushing updates to the app stores (and hoping users install them).

How PWAs can drive business success

Also, Progressive Web Apps actually offer more hardware access than commonly thought. Here’s a very old screenshot of whatwebcando.today (itself a PWA, try it!) from Chrome 52 stable on Android, as of September 2016 (many capabilities have been added since):

Hardware access includes

Upcoming hardware access

These features are being implemented or already work in some browsers:

Here’s Firefox 48:

Another important point to note is that the Origin Trials Framework (implemented since Chrome 51) enables manufacturers to expose and test hardware (or software) capabilities without having to go through the standardization process. For example, a phone maker could expose an API for reading the values of a pressure sensor, refine it, then submit it for consideration to the W3C.

Anyway, access to hardware features are only a subset of what makes a great app. There are also software features traditionally employed by native apps that are now available to web apps.

Traditionally native features that PWAs can also use

These features cover a lot of use cases, and many popular native apps nowadays could be rewritten as PWAs. Take Slack, for example. Its open source alternative, Rocket.Chat, has built a PWA version. For more PWA demos, see appsco.pe.

While PWA capabilities are rapidly evolving, there are still somethings you can’t do yet.

Native Android features that PWAs currently lack

Note that lack of access to many of the features below can be viewed as a security feature by privacy-conscious users.

  • contacts, calendar and browser bookmarks access
  • alarms
  • telephony features — intercept SMSes or calls, send SMS/MMS, get the user’s phone number (use properly marked up form fields instead, and let the browser’s autofill do the work), read voice mail, make phone calls without the Dialer dialog
  • low-level access to some hardware features and sensors: flashlight, atmospheric pressure sensor
  • system access: task management, modifying system settings, logs
  • registering to handle custom file types

For most use cases, PWAs can do the job and also be a much better investment — you don’t have to develop and maintain three separate code bases for Android, iOS and web. PWAs also have certain features that native apps lack.

Progressive Web App advantages over native apps

Source: https://youtu.be/qmE_jpnYXFo?t=96
  • discoverability — content in progressive web apps can easily be found by search engines but a content-centric native app like StackOverflow won’t show among app store search results for content that it does offer access to, such as “pwa vs. native”. This is a problem for communities like Reddit, which can’t expose their numerous sub-communities to the app store as individual “apps”.
  • linkability — any page/screen can have a direct link, which can be shared easily
  • bookmarkability — save that link to access an app’s view directly
  • always fresh — no need to go through the app store approval process to push updates
  • universal access — not subject by app stores sometimes arbitrary policies or (unintended)geographic restrictions
  • large data savings, extremely important in emerging markets with expensive and/or slow Internet access. For example, e-commerce website Konga cut data usage by 92% for the first load by migrating to a PWA.

PWAs in app stores

Using Trusted Web Activities, you can integrate your PWA with your Android app. You publish to the Google Play store a shell Android app that loads your PWA, so that users can discover it via Google Play as well.


PWA support is “almost there” now that Safari 11.1 has added support for Service Workers with Safari 11.1, released on March 30, 2018 and available on iOS 11.3 and macOS 10.11 or later. Push notifications don’t work yet and there are some other low-level feature limitations compared to native apps, but Mac OS Safari push notifications do work.


To recap, here’s why “PWA vs. Native” is the wrong question to ask. Assume you have a service with a web presence (if there’s no web presence yet, developing one is the first order of business).

  • If you don’t have an app for it, it makes most sense to build a PWA and cover all your bases (web + mobile)
  • If you do have an app already, then if you have the resources to build native Android + native iOS + web apps, and keep them in sync, go for it. If you don’t have the resources, a PWA offers the tremendous advantage of a single code base.

Choosing to build PWA first is a no-brainer in most cases:

  • If you target the Next Billion Users, PWAs are the way to go. Android users are the majority, and data is expensive.
  • If you have desktop users, build a PWA. Note that on Chrome OS and soon on other desktop environments, PWAs can run like native apps, in their own window without a browser bar.
  • If you don’t need Android-specific native features (see the comparison above), build just a PWA (which will cover mobile web and Android), and maybe a native iOS app. Building a native Android app isn’t worth it because it won’t help you on the iOS front anyway.
  • Building a PWA can bring up adoption even on iOS: AliExpress (Alibaba’s eBay) saw 82% increase in iOS conversion rate after building a PWA.

Traditionally, you’d have to build

Desktop/mobile web + native Android + native iOS

You can, right now, in most cases, just build

PWA + native iOS

And once iOS Safari implements push notifications, it will be just


It’s not “PWA vs. native”, but rather “PWA vs. [web + native + native]”.

And in terms of reach, no native solution beats progressive web apps.

[Rre-posted from StackOverflow, as a backup]



Dan Dascalescu
Dev Channel

Software engineer. Former Googler and Yahoo!. Founder @QSforum and @BlueseedProject. ♥ emergent tech, improv, acro yoga, life extension, 🏋️