Log.1 “Set up”

Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2024

Am Starting this devlog for recording my daily life, as a developer in Seoul, for remembering my precious time with my co-developers and lovely friends.

Will share the unique and fascinating life in Seoul, a vibrant and rapidly evolving city with SOTA technology.

So, Last 21 days.

It’s been three weeks since I met some of passionate developers in Gangnam, Seoul. I decided to make a dev-group for sharing, studying and collecting the Ideas on IT field.

on the first week, we checked each others’ technical insights and backgrounds, and spilled the time to figure out how effectively we can cooperate and be blended into A group.

Fortunately, everyone was an open-minided towards each other, and they were a group of individuals who could freely exchange opinions without any reservations. There were no eccentric or peculiar personalities among them, just people ready to approach the project with passion and dedication.

We decided to meet up casually every weekend, planning our project sessions with excitement

As the weeks rolled by,

we kept on collecting the technical insights, meeting up casually every weekend. It was our routine — making plans for our project sessions, sharing laughs but time kept slipping away and I noticed that we need the service planning and conceptualization.

Since we had a common opinion that the AI is too much for our database analysis for our LLM project, we decided to focus on DL and ML on our first phase and expand our project into more like micro-serviced way.

And so far,

We approached the development of our service by considering the needs of foreigners visiting Korea without stuck into excessive detail — plus, explored the inverse perspective as well.

Once we realized that each country shares the data through its government, we decided to utilize this information as the cornerstone for our service.

Most of things has been set up. Including technical stack — what we’re using for building up the project has been all settled down by the discussion and in our technical boundaries.

DEV - K8s / Flutter / java / Python / postgre / monogoD 
UX - Fignma / Adobe


We’re diving into Phase 1 now.

Right at this moment, we’re still looking for the expert to bring in their insights and shape the starting points. There’s a buzz of excitement as we look forward to getting someone who embrace each other’s differences with an open mind on board for the rest of the components.

01.22.2024 — Fin.

