Gene Kim + The Rise and Fall of DevOps | Conversations from DevOps Enterprise Summit

Dev Interrupted
Dev Interrupted
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2022

Dev Interrupted takes a detour to Vegas!

In a first for the show, we took the podcast on the road to attend the DevOps Enterprise Summit in Las Vegas.

While at DOES, we had the pleasure of interviewing Gene Kim, famed researcher and author of “The Phoenix Project” and “Accelerate”.

Also attending DOES were friends of the podcast Bryan and Dana Finster, whose presentation on the Rise and Fall of DevOps inspired us to invite them onto the pod.

Listen to this two-part episode as Gene breaks down all things DevOps past, present and future, while the Finsters present their case for platform teams, project ownership and how to win the trust that binds good dev teams.

Gene Kim Episode Highlights:

  • (2:12) Improvements Gene is most proud of
  • (4:49) Current industry trends
  • (6:36) What developer experience (DX) means to Gene
  • (8:40) Changing merging behavior
  • (11:09) Enabling enterprise transformations
  • (14:06) Best of DevOps Enterprise Summit

Rise and Fall of DevOps Episode Highlights:

  • (15:50) Episode start
  • (17:59) Defining DevOps
  • (23:46) Mission
  • (26:43) Structure
  • (33:04) Ownership
  • (37:48) Platform
  • (40:55) Learning
  • (45:10) Trust

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Learn more about how gitStream is making coding better HERE.

Originally published at



Dev Interrupted
Dev Interrupted

The Dev Interrupted podcast and its articles and podcasts are made exclusively for dev leaders, featuring expert guests from around the world.