No Continuous Delivery? Then Walk Out.

Dev Interrupted
Dev Interrupted
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2021

The benefits of continuous delivery are enormous, and almost every engineer you ask would agree. But almost no organizations are shipping software in under 15 minutes. So what’s stopping us?

In this incredible episode of Dev Interrupted, Charity Majors, CTO of, explains how to implement continuous delivery, and why you should walk out if your organization doesn’t support the practice.

Episode Highlights include:

  • How to break out of the “Software Delivery Death Cycle”
  • The overwhelming benefits of having a short feedback cycle
  • The greatest failure of our generation of software developers
  • How to implement true Continuous Delivery at your enterprise
  • What Observability Driven Development means at the developer level

Watch a highlight on the Dev Interrupted YouTube

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Dev Interrupted

The Dev Interrupted podcast and its articles and podcasts are made exclusively for dev leaders, featuring expert guests from around the world.