👨🏻‍💻 GDG DevFest 2017

Dennis Bruijn / @0x1ad2
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2017

Last weekend I visited GDG DevFest 2017 at the University of Amsterdam. This conference is the biggest Google related event in The Netherlands, carefully crafted by the GDG community!

Credits to @elizacamber

Usually, the conference is visited by approximately 500 attendees and speakers all over the world, several of these attendees are GDE’s (Google Developer Experts) so there’s a lot to learn 🧠

Every year there are three parallel lecture tracks dedicated to Mobile, Web & Cloud technologies.

Machine Learning APIs and how to get the most of it

In this session, we dived into what the different Google Cloud Machine Learning APIs can do. We combined various solutions to get an interesting results and they even released a new feature called Google speech API timestamps

Creating your first flutter app

Flutter is a new cross-platform SDK from Google to create Android and iOS apps with a single-codebase written in Dart.

It allows fast development through a feature we already knew from React Native called hot reload. Hot reload helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bug faster.

Flutter has built-in beautiful Material Design and Cupertino (iOS-flavor) widgets, rich motion APIs, smooth natural scrolling, and platform awareness to delivery the best experience to the client.

It also allows access to native features and SDKs

⚠ ️Be aware of the fact that flutter is still in ALPHA

Designing a real-time data application: a case study on the stock market

Applications that require data from real-time events impose their own challenges. How to store data? Can you cache data at all? How to make sure data that is constantly changing is consistent throughout the app?

The guys at BUX have quite a lot experience with this and where happy to share their best practices. I think the main lesson for me was:

If a technology works (has proven itself) stick with it but do not be afraid to experiment with upcoming technologies.

They just completed a €10.6 million funding round so I think you’ll see them around.

Altogether I had an amazing day! Attended serval cool talks, met new and old friends and was able to write some code in between. See you next year!

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I work at Sytac.io; We are a consulting company in the Netherlands, we employ around ~100 developers across the country at A-grade companies like KLM, ING, ABN-AMRO, TMG, Ahold Delhaize, and KPMG. Together with the community, we run DevJam check it out and subscribe if you want to read more stories like this one. Alternatively, look at our job offers if you are seeking a great job!



Dennis Bruijn / @0x1ad2

👾 01111001 01101111 ~ 🪁 Founder at KITE ~ 👨🏻‍💻 Full-stack consultancy (web & mobile) ~ 💛 Continuously betting on JS