Simplify Data Fetching Using Async-React

Siddharth Parmar (Sid)
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2018

In this post, I am going to talk about a new JavaScript library that I created. It is called async-react.

I think my library solves a problem of writing async code to grab data from an API especially when it comes to handling loading and error state.

Since I built this library using React, you can use it for your React apps or for your ReactNative apps. It works for both! 😃

The Magic of Async-React


To use my library in your project you can install it from NPM as usual.


npm install --save async-react


I took inspiration from React’s new context API and <Query /> component from react-apolloas you can see in the example.

<AsyncAwait path="">
{({ loading, error, data }) => {
if (error) return <h2>{error}</h2>;
if (loading) return <h2>Loading...</h2>;
if (data) return <MyComponent data={data} />;

I used Promise.all internally so that I can take in an array of different URLs for path prop and return results in the same way.

{({ loading, error, data }) => {
if (error) return <h2>{error}</h2>;
if (loading) return <h2>Loading...</h2>;
if (data) return <MyComponent posts={data[0]} users={data[1]}/>;

I thought I should add a feature to accept a base URL when the app starts. I prefer less typing 😜.

// App.js<AsyncAwaitProvider baseUrl="">
<AnotherComponent />
// AnotherComponent.js
<AsyncAwait path={['/posts', '/users']}>
{({ loading, error, data }) => {
if (error) return <h2>{error}</h2>;
if (loading) return <h2>Loading...</h2>;
if (data)
return <MyComponent posts={data[0]} users=data[1]} />;

<AsyncAwaitProvider> uses React’s context API internally. That’s how I was able to pull in the baseURL from the provider component. This component receives only one prop: baseUrl, as a string.

Just as shown in the first example, you can do path='/post' or even you can do path={['/post']}. The path prop accepts both, array and string.

Cheatsheet for async-react:

  • imports : import AsyncAwaitProvider, {AsyncAwait} from ‘async-react’;
  • AsyncAwaitProvider: Top level wrapper that has only one prop, baseUrl of type string. Use this if you would like to configure your endpoint’s absolute URL once and omit it elsewhere.
  • AsyncAwait: It works like the<Query /> component from react-apollo. It takes in only one prop: path, of type either string or an Array.

That’s it. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. Here is a link to the package source Feel free to create any issues or pull requests on github. Thank you for reading! 😄

Happy Coding!

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