Tutorial: Build an App with ReasonReact

Part 2—Creating the To-do App

Siddharth Parmar (Sid)
8 min readAug 17, 2018


In my previous post, we explored why ReasonReact is awesome. In this post, we’ll roll up our sleeves and basic to-do app with it.

For this project, we will be using these technologies I mentioned previously:


Before we start coding you’ll need to install a few packages, if you haven’t done so already, including the Reason CLI. Follow the instructions for your specific platform:

Next, we’ll install BuckleScript. Run npm install -g bs-platform to install BuckleScript globally.

We’ll be using Reason Scripts so we can work in a way that will feel more familiar to React developers like us.

To scaffold your ReasonReact project, run:

Let’s jump in and explore our new project:

It should look something like this. Looks familiar, doesn’t it?

Your “Hello, World!” ReasonReact App

What’s Inside?

Exploring what’s in the boilerplate project, the familiar files and directories to notice here are package.json, .gitignore, README.md, yarn.lock, public/, and node_modules/.

Additionally, you will find:

  • .merlin: You should not touch this file. This file is created by the build system and contains absolute paths for Merlin to understand the project layout and provide editor tooling.
  • bsconfig.json: This is a necessary file used by BuckleScript’s build system, bsb. You can find more details about it here.
  • .re files: These are the Reason files. We will be writing our code in these files. BuckleScript will convert these files into .bs.js files, automatically.

In App.re file, we see these lines of code:

That’s how BuckleScript imports the CSS file and the logo file. You can read more on imports and exports with BuckleScript here.

ReasonReact does not use classes. All we have to do to create a component is:

Next, we use a make function to return the component we just created. In that function, we can override a few fields like the render, and initialState. The render field is where we write our JSX:

We can see above that the last prop in a make function is children. If you don’t need to use the children prop in your component, you can call it either_ or _children to avoid compiler warnings.

You may also notice that we’re not using this. In ReasonReact, we don’t have access to JavaScript’s this, but rather we use self which is equivalent to this for our purposes.

Finally, we use ReasonReact.string to print strings. ReasonReact.string takes in a string and returns a reactElement.

The TodoApp Component

Now that we understand the basic syntax of a ReasonReact component, we’re ready to create our to-do app’s outer-most component:

Notice that we’re rendering a TodoApp component above, but we haven’t created this yet. Let’s create a components sub-directory in src directory and create a file in it called TodoApp.re. This will be our stateful component.

In ReasonReact, typically, a stateful component includes actions, a reducer, and state (just like Redux—but don’t worry, we’re not going to use Redux in this app).

As we know, a state is tracked in an object in React. In Reason, we have two choices do the same, Record, and Object. We will be creating a Record in our app. Let’s see how we can create a Record and how declaring an object is a little different than how we do it in JavaScript. In Reason, we can define an object type.

Note: In ReasonML, there are two types of objects. There are “open” object types (which can contain other values and objects beyond what’s in its type declaration) and “closed” object types (where the object must have the same shape as the declared type). For more information, check the docs.

Since we’re going to use this Record throughout our app, let’s put it in a separate file in the components directory called TodoModel.re

Back in TodoApp.re we define the state for our app:

Now, let’s create a stateful component:

Finally we’ll build theTodoItem component. It is going to be a stateless component because its job is to display data.

Write the follow in in a new file calledTodoItem.re

To let BuckleScript access our .re files and convert them into .bs.js files, we need to edit our bsconfig.js file.

stop the server, run the command bsb at the root of the project dir and start the project again withyarn start and we should be able to see the following result.

ReasonReact Todo app List item

It works! Woohoo! Congratulations! That’s the basics of how to write stateless and stateful components in ReasonReact.

We can also add a header component to our app by creating a TodoHeader.refile and adding the following code:

Include TodoHeader component in TodoApp.re

Nice, we can see our App Header now.

Now, let’s make our app more interactive by adding 2 things:

  • A checkbox toggle
  • A button to remove a particular to-do item

This is our first step towards actions and reducers.

Now, refactor TodoItem.re

This code enables us to change our app’s state using a checkbox or a remove button attached to each todo item.

Challenge Round: Create a TodoFooter component that can show a total number of items, has a button to remove all the items and has another button to remove completed items. At the end it should look something like this.

ReasonReact Todo App — added footer

You can find code for the complete project here: https://github.com/redacademy/reason-react-todo).

Did you finish the challenge? Nice work!

Moving on, we have to create an input component so our user can add todos. Refactor TodoApp.re

You might have noticed that we do not have an AddTodo component yet. Let’s create that component in a file called AddTodo.re

What is ReactDomRe?

ReactDomRe is ReasonReact’s React-DOM module. ReactDOMRe.domElementToObj(ReactEventRe.Form.target(event))##value is the same as event.target.value in JavaScript.

You can find out more about theReactDomRe module here: (https://reasonml.github.io/reason-react/docs/en/dom.html#reactdom)

We’re finished! In the end, our app looks like this. If you’re project is not working, you can have a look at the GitHub repo for this project.

ReasonReact Todo App

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