My adventures with Vim

Guilherme Quental
Dev Ticks
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2017

I’m always trying to find the best tool to help me out in my daily life. Be it to increase my productivity, get me more focused or just more excited.

Usually, I pick a tool which I like to a particular area and keep using it till the end of times, with only a few exceptions. But, I have never seen an area of my life, work and major hobby where I’m so doubtful regarding which editor I should indeed use.

There is already several years that I’m in an internal fight to decide between dozens of IDEs and my beloved VIM. I always think I’m more productive with the shortcuts and the way that VIM handles the edition with its modal, but, for some unknown reason, an imaginary monkey comes to mess up with my mind and tells me that perhaps I will be more productive and happy with an IDE X emulating Vim.

And I keep myself in that dilemma, trying a new tool for some weeks until I realize that I would prefer being back to the terminal, using only VIM and tmux. This time, I will make from this post my public goal to push myself to use only VIM, not only by mixing the best pieces of popular dotfiles and top listed plugins. I want to do a series where I’m going to try to document and show my studies about Vim scripting and other tech areas which I’m interested. I will always try to create a post documenting everything and explaining it in the best way possible

I hope to be able to help everybody that decides to tag along with me in that journey.

P.S.: I will leave down below the link of my current dotfiles, where I have some of my tmux and neovim configurations. Be aware that some significant changes will happen in those files in the next weeks.

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