Starting with Adobe AEM

Guilherme Quental
Dev Ticks
Published in
11 min readMay 22, 2017


When we are on the web, accessing pages, and content, the URL is the definitive resource which informs what indeed we’re consuming.
In the programming world, usually when we’re using languages and technologies such as PHP, Ruby, NodeJS, the URL points out to a script, but in the Sling world, this is different.

Content as the protagonist

As commented previously, in the Sling world, differently from the main technologies that we see out there, the content is the main entry point of the application.
When the framework is resolving the URL, it will try to match the content that is contained within the CRX Repository and, just when the content is found, it will fetch its properties to discover which script will be rendered.

The resolver will try to match the content in the URL by trying to find in the content repository by the full path of the URL without exception. If the content isn’t found, it will then trigger the error handler script.

So, for example, the url http://localhost:4502/content/testing.html, it try to find in the repository for /content/testing.

Finding the right script

When the content is finally found, the next step in the evaluation order of the resolver is to locate the right…

