3 Todo’s Before Applying For A Junior Developer Job

Dev Together


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I’ve seen a lot of job applications from junior developers. Most of the applications are made with the best intentions but don’t include a few important things.

In this post, I want to share with you 3 things you should prepare before you apply for a (junior) developer job.

With these 3 tips, companies will notice your preparation and will be more willing to invite you for an interview.

1. Prepare Code Examples

A developer writes code, right? Yeah duh!! Well before you get hired by a company, that company wants to see your capabilities off-course.

Most of the time they like it when you include your Github profile, portfolio, or blog.

So it is very important to include some examples of code when you send your job application.

Make sure that code you write is on Github. This is the best way to prepare code examples or even bigger projects. With those repositories, you show what you can do.

Maybe even better, include the links of projects you are the proudest of. They don’t have to be perfect. Because perfect doesn’t exist! Just give it YOUR best 😉

2. Build a portfolio and blog



Dev Together

I’m a 🇳🇱 lead frontend developer who writes about WebDev | JavaScript | TypeScript | Vuejs | Web Components | Design Systems | NuxtJS | StencilJS | CSS