Use CLI tools From Mac/Linux On Windows Subsystem for Linux

WSL2 is so powerful to make the switch from Mac a breeze.

Dev Together
Published in
7 min readNov 5, 2020


Photo by Goran Ivos on Unsplash

I’m a fan of Apple products for a long time! I love the ecosystem, the way everything works together without any problems.

But I’ve seen that the Microsoft of the current time is working hard to embrace opensource. They don’t discriminate Linux or mac systems with their software and tooling.

I leaped faith and switch from a Macbook Pro to a Windows 10 machine. The reason I did this was because of work. I could choose a Macbook Pro again, but with the current Windows laptops on the market, you’ll get a lot more bang for your buck.

What pulled me over the line? Windows Subsystem for Linux

Windows 💕 Linux

Around the year 2001, Steve Balmer, former CEO of Microsoft called Linux cancer. Well, that was a rude argument! And not true!

With the current CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft loves Linux. And those were not only words, but they also wear followed by actions!

They took over Github, made Microsoft Teams available for Linux, and even implemented WSL. Even their Azure service is running 20% on Linux.



Dev Together

I’m a 🇳🇱 lead frontend developer who writes about WebDev | JavaScript | TypeScript | Vuejs | Web Components | Design Systems | NuxtJS | StencilJS | CSS