10 tips for developers to improve your online authority

Lila Velozo
3 min readJul 12, 2016


Knowing how to develop good code, debug and always be updated to the standards of programming languages, may not be enough for a successful career. Of course, these are basically all the qualities that a good developer needs to have, but we can always be better, right?

Anyone who writes and publishes relevant content on the Internet about their work, will be available to all those who have interest and research on the subject. With the IT professional is not different. If you begin to share information, show that you really have knowledge within your market niche, people will begin to interact with you and so you will be creating your Authority Online.

Have authority on the internet means you have respect within your market and people want to hear (or read) what you have to say. Within this context, we can analyze the career of a developer who cares about that. You have (or at least try to have) your online authority. Publish articles, have your own blog, help developing communities via forums, give your opinion about a certain topic on social networks, help developers who are beginning, namely, you are seen always sharing knowledge. This is the best way to boost your career.

It takes time and effort to build your online authority.

10 Tips to build your Authority Online

  • Study. Study hard to not share misinformation out there. The internet is full of content, but we can count reliable content providers on our fingers.
  • If you write an article, follow what the title of your article promises.
  • Create a blog.
  • Once you created your blog, never forget to answer people’s comments. If someone asked something you do not know, search and answer.
  • Develop your blog / article always using colors that do not obstruct the vision of the user, clear language, complex sources (optional) for titles, simple fonts for text. It seems obvious, but we still find a lot of sites / blogs without this minimum education with the reader.
  • Your social media are who you are. Always try to publish issues related to your job niche. People spend too much time using social media. Be there as well.
  • Use your own experience as a web and/or software user as a strategy to develop original content.
  • Take care of the SEO of your website/blog.
  • Having a channel on Youtube with your own videos is a differential. People feel safer knowing whom they are speaking to. This will bring you closer to your public.
  • Create an eBook. Creating your own eBook makes you receive emails from people who are actually interested in your content. With this strategic mailing, you can offer relevant content, and then create a relationship with this mailing list tips, asking people what they want to read, what are their questions… And you create your content on top of that.

Some tips on how to create an ebook you can find here: http://tableless.com.br/epub-aprenda-a-criar-um-livro-digital/ (in Portuguese)

Another link for more good tips on how to build your online authority: https://www.imforza.com/blog/25-ways-to-build-online-authority/ (in English)

When you are producing your content, ask yourself: Is my content relevant? Will it help to solve a problem? Will someone actually be benefited from this information? If your content goes through these questions, he deserves to be published. And remember, your professional growth only depends on your own effort. See you soon!

