What Is The Future of Flexible Screens?

Austin Fracchia
DevAD Magazine
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2017

The future has a fascination with flexible screens. For some reason, the idea of taking a perfectly rigid device and making it floppy like a noodle is irresistible. All you have to do to see visions of this future is surf online for your favorite sci-fi program or product concept display.
The technology has been sort of like the flying car craze we were promised decades ago. Future predictions back then featured sprawling cities filled with hovering cars. Now, years after the point they envisioned, we are no closer to those cars — unless you count Uber’s desire to fly like a bird. Flexible screens are in the same boat.The technology exists. The vision is there. But is there a future or utility for this tech?

The technology exists. The vision is there. But is there a future or utility for this tech?The Current State of Flexible Screens

The Current State of Flexible Screens

So far, if you want a screen you can bend and twist, you have to make do with concepts and prototypes companies flaunt during tech conventions. Rest assured, they have no shortage of fancy, bendable devices to show off. You just can’t buy them yet.Just last month, Lenovo released images of their take on the “next big thing” in laptops, one that you could virtually roll up for easy storage.

Just last month, Lenovo released images of their take on the “next big thing” in laptops, one that you could virtually roll up for easy storage. The convenience sounds great, but it feels like a bit of common sense is missing. How much does the screen flex? How does it stay up if it’s really flexible? Designers at Lenovo aren’t likely to forget these details, but these things tend to be overshadowed by the novelty of the main tech.And that is all this tech has amounted to thus far, a novelty. A hint of things to supposedly come when the technology or demand catches up with the vision.

And that is all this tech has amounted to thus far, a novelty. A hint of things to supposedly come when the technology or demand catches up with the vision. The technology is mostly there, so what about the demand? Will flexible screens ever be a mainstream thing?

The technology is mostly there, so what about the demand? Will flexible screens ever be a mainstream thing?The Future

The Future

On the surface, it’s easy to dismiss flexible screens as just another tech fad to eventually throw in the “burn out” bin. At best, the trend is like wearables: an interesting idea with just enough demand to stick around, but not industry redefining. It’s the same reason we aren’t seeing all smartphones and tablets using curved screens. The design works as is.

That doesn’t mean there won’t be room for them, however. Hell, we still have space in the market for clam shell flip phones. But what should we realistically expect?X predicts that the flexible screen industry will increase to $15 billion by 2020. For comparison, it was only $2 billion in 2016. The predicted expansion seems to take into account a growing consumer market, but it’s still small compared to the X billion smartphone and tablet industry.

Research and Markets predicts that the flexible screen industry will increase to $15 billion by 2022. For comparison, it was only $2 billion in 2016. The predicted expansion seems to take into account a growing consumer market, but it’s still small compared to the $355 billion smartphone and tablet industry.

It would be short sighted to assume that this tech is only good for mobile devices, however. Flexible screens would open up a lot of avenues. Research and prototyping have already looked into the feasibility of using these screens in transportation, military uses, clothing, medical/science professions, etc.

Is there a future?

Of course. It might not redefine the mobile device market like the iPhone did, but flexible screen tech will put its own stamp on it. At the very least, it will diversify the consumer and commercial applications of screens.
Or maybe we’ll be rolling up our phones in the next few years. Who knows?

Originally published at DevAD Magazine.



Austin Fracchia
DevAD Magazine

Public speaker, speech educator, all around nice guy.