Improving Web Apps Performances With AngularJS 2

Slim Ben Nasrallah
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2016

AngularJS2 development is the next-level up gradation of AngularJS 1. The overview of AngularJS2 in the market does not mean that Angular 1 will render not as much of support. Angular JS development team would certainly upgrade their framework, but again lot of changes has to be hosted in AngularJS 2. Some of the key concerns of AngularJS 2, when it comes to Website Improvement are:

  • It makes Web application cooler to handle things and improves performance, load time, etc.
  • AngularJS 2.0 main objective is to target ES6 and make unbreakable for any hacks or workarounds which guarantees the security of the specific business domain.
  • AngularJS is component driven, the snag of the core AngularJS will be removed, ensuing enhanced performance.
  • Bug fixes and non-breaking features for APIs marked as stable.

In today’s world, component structure –centered web development is widely held and the acceptance is expected to increase with time. AngularJS executed countless ideas, and with the technology advancement, AngularJS 2 took over AngularJS 1. In Angular 2, one needs to emphasis on business lucidity rather than loading modules, adding dependency injection etc. AngularJS 2 is convenient for complex web application development, which hints to the enriched performance. Even when you are working with an object oriented language like JavaScript, more modifications are going to take place in this framework. There are very few industries who intensively work on AngularJS when it comes on improvement of Website’s performance and we are one of them, we make sure our clients to get what is hot and trending in the market and this is what helps us to build better customer network for web development services.

Out of the hundreds of frameworks, AngularJS is ventured to have the greatest position of being the most prevalent open-source web framework that abridges the development of several web applications. New-age developers are well-informed with the resolutions of the AngularJS framework and thus, keep on developing some exceptional web applications every now and then. Further, to abridge their tasks of web application development, developers have hosted various front-end frameworks that maintain AngularJS to create cutting-edge and unique web applications.

Here is the list of some commonly used and popular AngularJS frameworks that is improving Website performance.

  • Ionic

This potent framework offers software development kit along with certain UI components at no extra cost. Ionic is a robust front-end AngularJS framework that helps in the development of web applications. This advanced framework is particularly enhanced with the directives of AngularJS to support the development of powered applications, extending rich user-interface.

  • IO

IO is an acronym for Mongo DB, Express, AngularJS and Node.js forming a full-stack JavaScript framework. Such a framework helps in creating authoritative web applications comprising of pages with vibrant functions that are helpful in creating hybrid applications.

  • Radian

Radian is popular for authenticating and building high-end web applications integrated with cutting-edge functions. It is one of the widespread and prevailing Angular JS frameworks; it is exceptionally built on Asynchronous Module Definitions (AMD)

Angular 2 is a game changer in the arena of web development. It has the whole thing from a powerful view engine to an excellent modern web development. Bootstrap lets users to swiftly get started with emerging professional web applications. With both joining forces, we burst into modern web development with the very best of development and design. Before concluding, Angular 2 is built on years of user experience with Angular 1 and offers many improvements.

Some new projects that have skintight deadlines and limited development resources would benefit from being written in Angular 1, using an Angular 2 style. This would allow for a straightforward advancement in the further days while making an effective short term use of resources.

