Apple Cider Vinegar: The Miracle Drink

Devansh Mittal
Devansh Mittal
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2019

Following are some amazing health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).

  1. Controls Blood Sugar
    Apple cider vinegar can help you make glucose more sensitive so you’ll have less insulin resistance. Less insulin being produced can help you with your weight loss efforts.
  2. Improves Immune System
    It can help boost your immune system with its antibacterial properties. It can stimulate white blood cells to speed up function and fight infection.
  3. Decreases Acid Reflux / Acidity
    Normally, your stomach needs to be very acidic to be able to close the valve at the top of your stomach. This valve prevents your stomach acid from coming up your esophagus. When your stomach acid levels are low, the valve doesn’t close and the acid can reflux up your esophagus. The term for this condition is GERD, which stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. To feel better, you take in any antiacid. Yet the next time you eat, it becomes worse. Why? Because you’re making that acid less acidic. So over time, that valve just stays open and you’ll have constant reflux, making you dependent on medication. If you consume apple cider vinegar, it helps the valve close fully, improving the symptoms of acid reflux and GERD.
  4. Breaks Down Protein
    Protein breaks down into amino acids when metabolized. You need acids, like apple cider vinegar, to activate the enzymes to do this.
  5. Helps Release Bile
    Your liver needs a specific amount of acid to produce bile, which then gets released to the gallbladder. Apple cider vinegar can help serve as a trigger and release the bile that’s congested in the liver. You, then, feel less bloated. Acid also helps release enzymes from the pancreas for a more complete digestion.
  6. Can Decrease Gas and Bloating
    The last thing you want is undigested food in your digestive tract. Apple cider vinegar speeds up the breakdown of food to aid in complete protein digestion.
  7. Helps Absorb Minerals
    Calcium, magnesium, and iron all need a certain pH to be absorbed. If your stomach is too alkaline, you won’t be able to absorb as many minerals. Vitamins K, C, and even B12 need acid to be absorbed.
  8. Controls Pathogens
    If you think about it, you have pickles and other fermented vegetables that are acidic. The acid they are kept in preserves the food and prevents bacterial growth. When you consume apple cider vinegar, it helps prevent the overgrowth of microbes, especially if you have a condition called SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Definition: This is a condition where you have bacteria growing in the wrong place, e.g. in the small intestine instead of the large intestine.
  9. Aids Digestion
    Apple cider vinegar speeds up digestion and activates gastrointestinal enzymes. There are a lot of enzymes in the stomach, in the pancreas, and other places in the body that are dormant. These enzymes can only be activated by certain things. Acid is one of the activators for the enzymes in the stomach to help you break down protein. This is the process that helps the stomach digest food faster.
  10. Maintains Healthy Cholesterol
    Apple cider vinegar can increase the good cholesterol so you maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.

Basically, ACV does amazing things in the body. Start having it today!!

Following are Dr. Mercola’s views on ACV.

No doubt, you’ve seen them — lists touting the amazing curative power of apple cider vinegar for an amazing number of ills. “ACV” (as it’s sometimes referred to in studies) has been praised for its ability to balance your pH, increase good gut bacteria and help control your weight, as well as many other beneficial things.

Here’s the kicker: All those are true, and more besides. One of the most sensational is its ability to balance your blood sugar. A study1 at Arizona State University tested 11 volunteers with type 2 diabetes (diagnosed by a doctor) who weren’t taking insulin but continued taking their prescription medications.

Each participant took 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a snack — an ounce of cheese — before bedtime. The researchers demonstrated that in the morning, the study subjects had lower blood sugar readings than when they had the same snack with 2 tablespoons of water.

This is important and potentially life-changing news for half of the American population, as NBC News reports that half the country suffers from either high blood sugar or full-blown diabetes.

What is the best time to take ACV

Well best time is depend on what is the basic purpose of drinking Apple cider vinegar. Best time of drinking Apple cider vinegar is in the morning with empty stomach it will helps you many ways like detox your body from harmful chemicals, maintain pH level of your body and all. For weight lose purpose you may take it two times a day. Firstly in the morning empty stomach and another one after lunch, but make sure half an hour gap you maintain.

A Tasty Apple Cider Vinegar Delight

  1. One glass of Cold Water.
  2. Cinnamon Powder 1/2 teaspoon.
  3. 10 ml Apple Cider Vinegar.
  4. Stevia Drops — 4 Drops.

That is all. Mix it and have it.

If you are practicing Intermittent Fasting or any kind of Fasting, then do NOT add Stevia, Artificial Sweetners, Cinnamon. You can simply have Apple Cider Vinegar with Himalayan Pink Salt, in cold water. Trust me, it is also very satiating and tasty.



Devansh Mittal
Devansh Mittal

Inquisitive. Spiritual. Scientist. Movie Critic. Health Conscious. Physics Lover. Motivator. Teacher. Food Connoisseur. Blogger. Peace Lover.