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DevBorn is a full-service digital agency delivering solutions to achieve business goals for companies big and small.
AI from a spectator perspective
AI from a spectator perspective
AI has been a topic of science fiction movies for quite some time now. In most cases, AI tries to kill all humans, while in some others…
Luciano Castro
Apr 4, 2023
Scrum Challenges for Small Companies: A Comedy of Errors
Scrum Challenges for Small Companies: A Comedy of Errors
Based on my experience, here are some common challenges that small companies
Hernan Paolasso
Mar 28, 2023
If Scrum broke your heart, Shape-up is waiting for you. 3/3
If Scrum broke your heart, Shape-up is waiting for you. 3/3
How painful is it for managers to ask for progress updates? How frustrating is it for developers to make estimations? Shape-up has some…
Hernan Paolasso
Dec 4, 2020
If Scrum broke your heart, Shape-up is waiting for you… 2/3
If Scrum broke your heart, Shape-up is waiting for you… 2/3
Tired of having an endless backlog? For sure, backlogs are good to do one thing, piling work that will never be done.
Hernan Paolasso
Nov 21, 2020
If Scrum broke your heart, Shape-up is waiting for you (1/3)
If Scrum broke your heart, Shape-up is waiting for you (1/3)
Perhaps you are tired of running one sprint after the other, or you noticed your team is losing motivation, or you feel like …
Hernan Paolasso
Oct 23, 2020
The iToilet was MY idea! I shall make MILLIONS!
The iToilet was MY idea! I shall make MILLIONS!
Ever see the Seinfeld reunion show on Curb Your Enthusiasm? George Costanza married a woman named Amanda and made a fortune devising an…
Luciano Castro
Aug 21, 2020
Looking for an IT Partner? Five Outsourcing Pain Points to Consider (and How to Deal with Them).
Looking for an IT Partner? Five Outsourcing Pain Points to Consider...
If you need to grow your IT team quickly, make a promising idea come true, or even make your company IT budget appear bigger …
Hernan Paolasso
Jul 27, 2020
Why React Native?
Why React Native?
Yes, that’s the question I will try to answer here for those who intend to enter the world of Mobile Development. First of all, I must say…
Tomas Chejanovich
Jun 26, 2020
Project Teardown: “This code sucks — let’s do it again!”
Project Teardown: “This code sucks — let’s do it again!”
If you’ve been in this industry long enough, you probably have heard those words more than once (they even might have come out of your…
Luciano Castro
Jun 17, 2020
Let’s see how to resolve this conundrum…
Gustavo Alejandro Soler
Jun 5, 2020
It is time to heavily bet on IT industry
It is time to heavily bet on IT industry
The world is in crisis. Not only has the Covid-19 pandemic generated numerous losses from a human point-of-view, but also from an economic…
Hernan Paolasso
Jun 1, 2020
React Native vs Native Code, The Morning after
React Native vs Native Code, The Morning after
Many years before React Native came to light, the discussion was already there: “cross platform-built apps” vs. “native code for…
Luciano Castro
May 30, 2020
I've got an idea, now what?
I've got an idea, now what?
The first time I had an idea, I get into a frenzy mode where everything was business oriented.
Bob Rosset
May 29, 2020
Why testing should be part of your business
Why testing should be part of your business
Consider the title of this article not as a question but, rather, as the consequence of successful business decisions. You will find a…
Damián Díaz
May 15, 2020
The Sieve of Eratosthenes
The Sieve of Eratosthenes
Generating a multiplication table with the first N prime numbers.
Nicolas Sebastian Vidal
Apr 27, 2018
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