Celebrating Faith Obi: Our May Community Star

Victoria Aladesuyi
Published in
4 min readJun 3, 2024


Faith Obi

In a world where actions speak louder than words, we celebrate Faith Obi with great admiration today. Whose steadfastness and hard work have inspired us and set a remarkable standard for what it means to be a committed and passionate member of our community.

She contributes in a great measure to every activity in the community, from sharing her insights in the #Ask-a-techie channel to volunteering her time to help members and co-learners who might be experiencing a technical challenge at the # Frontend technical channel. Her consistency at the #bookclub channel cannot be overlooked…all of these acts have had a profound impact on all of us.

Faith’s journey in the tech space is a testament to the power of perseverance and determination. She is always present at every community event, embodying the essence of community spirit.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Faith to learn more about her journey into the tech space and her inspiration for her commitment to growth.

  • Please tell us a bit about yourself and your background.

My name is Faith Obi. I am the first child and daughter from a family of seven. I recently graduated as a Computer Scientist from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

  • How did you first discover the community, and what made you stick around?

I heard about DevCareer on Twitter in July 2023 during the podcast held before the DCTP Cohort 1 started, and I got accepted for the program, which made me stick around. Lately, however, I feel like I belong in the community.

  • What are you currently working on or passionate about outside of the community?

I am passionate about web development and frontend web development, to be specific.

  • What are your biggest dreams for the future, and how does the community support you in pursuing them?

My dream for the future is to become a Software Engineer and Entrepreneur. The community monthly activities, such as the webinars and workshops, have been so helpful as they guide me in navigating my career path — the sessions from the Senior Developers and friends are indeed impactful.

  • What are your most significant achievements or milestones within and outside the community?

Lately, it’s to have finally got a BSc. in Computer Science, and I feel more confident in my skills.

  • Could you highlight a memorable moment or experience you’ve had in the community?

The day I got the congratulations email for DCTP Cohort 1.

  • In your opinion, how has the community positively impacted its members?

I was among the mentors who volunteered to teach beginners in the Frontend Channel. Even though it was for a while, I was grateful to assist in the little I could. Then, I realised how hard it was for the channel leads and other volunteers in the community.

  • What would you like to see more of in the community in the future?

I look forward to seeing more intelligent minds in the community engage more and not just be a ghost member.

  • Is there a specific project or event you’ve been particularly proud of?

Currently, I am working on a mini project using TypeScript and learning more about how to consume APIs.

  • What advice would you give to someone new to the community who wants to get involved?

There are great minds in the community, and you won’t know if you don’t talk about what you are working on or issues you are having. I have friends from the community for whom I am really grateful.

  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

To be more disciplined.

  • Is there anyone in the community you’d like to express gratitude or appreciation towards?

Yes, Olaitan Adedokun, known as Alvicci, co-lead at the Frontend Technical channel and Victoria Aladesuyi, the Community Manager. I really love what she is doing in the #bookclub channel and I hope she continues with it.

  • Who or what inspires you the most, both within and outside of the community?

My tutors during the DCTP program, John and De professor, have inspired me a whole lot, and so have my family members.

  • Is there anything else you’d like to share with the community?

Everyone should keep believing in themselves and don’t compare yourself to others.

Thank you so much, Faith. Your unwavering dedication and enthusiasm have truly made a difference, and we’re deeply grateful for your presence in the community.



Victoria Aladesuyi

Your next door StoryTeller, fell in love with Community Building. Now, I'm on my way to discover the world of Product Management. Cheer me on🚀🚀