Early days on the Laptops4Developers Program.

Temiloluwa Abiodun-Ojo
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2019

So you may be wondering what the Laptops4developers program is about. It is a program organized by DevCareers, a Non-Profit organization that’s focused on supporting upcoming developers with resources such as laptops, internet connection, co-workspace to mention a few on their way to becoming world-class software developers. I started on the 14th of August and it’s been a wonderful ride so far. I’m using resources for backend development and we’ve been assigned mentors. The mentor for us backend developers is @bytenaija and looking at the curriculum he created for us I can say we’re going to be busy doing great stuff.

I would not fail to mention some of the people who are also on this same journey from John to Lanre to Ayo to Marho to everyone (too many names to mention but you all are not any less important), may the codes always be in our favor. And to Chidi Okoye, Tobi Olaogoke and Hack Sultan who constantly check up on us, well done and thank you!

So in one week, I’ve learned how to collaborate on a project using git and Github, I’ve learned how to build a simple web server using node js and express. Baby steps yes! but steps in the right direction. It’s still early days but I am excited about the next 3 months.

Thanks for dropping by.

