Mentorship FAQ

Ibukunoluwa Samuel
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2022

Hello. Thank you for indicating interest to join Cohort 3 of #Laptops4Developers as a mentor, below are answers to some questions that often come up in the course of the application.

Q: What are the paths available for mentorship?

A: The program covers Frontend Development, Backend Development, Mobile Application, Product Design, and Cloud Engineering.

Q: What’s the entirety of the stacks this third cohort will have?

A: Reactjs for Frontend, Nodejs for Backend, Flutter for mobile, Product Design using Figma, and AWS for Cloud Engineering.

Q: How many Mentors are you looking for?

A: 2–3 Mentors per learning track.

Q: How many students will be assigned to each mentor?

A: This depends on the number of students per track. But we would make sure it's something you can handle.

Q: Is this a paid position?

A: The mentorship is a volunteer position and compensation is not available at this time.

Q: When does the Mentorship program start?

A: The Bootcamp commences in July but specifics will be communicated in the course of the application process.

Q: How will the progress of my mentorship skills be assessed?

A: This would be assessed based on the performance and improvement of your mentees.

Q: Will I get access to materials that I will need for the program as a mentor? What is the learning process like? This is my first experience with mentorship what is required of me?

A: We don’t have special materials for mentors but we will endeavour to provide you with the necessary material you will be needing to make it easier for you.

If this is your first time at Mentorship, Not to worry, we’ve got you, Its flexible and you will come up with the blueprint for your mentorship.

Q: What is the learning process like?

A: The learning process is a combination of taught courses and project-based.

Q: What is the timeline to hear back on this application?

A: Fourteen working days.

Q: What is the duration of the program?

A: 3months.

Q: Given that the learning is 100% online, can a class arrange a physical meeting if the need arises?

A: Mentees and Mentors can decide to organise a physical meet-up in one of our partner hubs.

Q: How many states in Nigeria does the #Laptops4Developers covers?

A: Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, and Ogun.

Q: What is the objective of the #Laptops4Developer campaign?

A: The campaign is a non-profit initiative to provide support for aspiring developers and designers. The aim is to equip them with needed resources such as Laptops, a structured course curriculum, and access to hub subscriptions. The program provides guidance and set them on the path to paid employment.

