My Journey at DevC as an Intern

Ajeigbe John O.
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2019


I resumed to DevCareers as an Intern on the 14th of August, 2019 with a goal to become a professional and world-class Front End Engineer. DevCareer is a Non-Profit organization that’s focused on supporting upcoming developers with resources to excel into World Class. Underdeveloped African countries are lacking when it comes to adequate resources to dive into Tech. DevCareer is focused on supporting this group of people.

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My Picture

First and foremost, I was introduced to Slack as the communication platform for the internship. Channels were created for an announcement, resources, complaints, Tracks(FrontEnd, BackEnd, Data Science and Android Development), tracker(to track activities on Github) and work logs(for attendance). I learned how to use slack for effective communication.

Furthermore, I was equally introduced to Git and Github for the version control system, Trello for task management, Pivotal Tracker for project management, and Medium for blogging. I got to know how to use all these tools just within a week. Isn’t that great? It is!

What I have Achieved…

Just within my first week at DevCareer, I had my pull request merged on Github for the first time in three months, funny right? Yeah! I also built a simple web page. I can now use Git and Github effectively!

What I have started…

On Pluralsight, which is one of the best Online learning Platforms, I have started taking a series of courses related to Front End web development such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and other Front End Libraries like jQuery, Bootstrap, React.js, Vue.js, etc. My goal is to become a competent and certified Front End Engineer at the end of the internship. Never forget to thank the management of DevCareer for the good work they’ve been doing.

DevCareers gave me a huge opportunity to meet these amazing teammates of mine (

, , , , , , , , ). Most importantly, my amazing and erudite mentors(, , ) who have been guiding me on this journey, they have been my source of motivation and drive so far. I am indebted to them.

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Twitter: @dev_careers

IG: @dev_careers


Follow Me on Social Media

My Twitter handle: @john_pels

My IG: @john_pels

My Github: john-pels



Ajeigbe John O.

Front-End Engineer | An aspiring Full-Stack Developer | JavaScript Enthusiast | Tech Lover | Computer Scientist