Passion meets Opportunity

Samuel Nnaji
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2019

There is no sweeter feeling than waking up every day and doing what you love to do and still getting paid for it, I guess that’s how the likes of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo feel each morning waking up for football training. That feeling of “yeah am doing what I love to do and on course to getting paid for it” filled my heart each morning I woke up in my first week and subsequently at @devcareers.

Dev-career team Abuja with me on the left and my other team members.

I had a wonderful start week with @devcareers, it was quite exciting, first to be among the lucky 22 to be selected for the program. Secondly to be given a very good laptop and free internet access and thirdly to meet quite beautiful team members and warm welcoming hub users. The joy of resuming that 14th of August couldn’t let me sleep the night before, the entire width of my bed felt the crushing of my weight as I turned and rolled throughout the night bidding time to run as fast as possible. I can’t appreciate @devcareers, @Wennovation Hub enough for this opportunity and to all sponsors I want to use this opportunity to still say a million thanks, you guys are the real heroes.

I started my first day by collecting my laptop and setting up my work environment, slack platform, worklog, pivotal tracker, and other platforms I will be using for the program. That week after the setup, I had to complete the first task which had to do with Git, cloning a repository, updating and making a pull request which was quite new to me as I’ve not used Git before then. I was given some resource to go through and with the guidance of my mentors, I was able to complete the task. Next that week my team and I decided to design a UI for a shopping list maker app just to brush up our little knowledge of HTML and CSS as we await the other teams that were yet to complete their setup and that capped my first week in the #Laptop4devepers program.

My goal in this program is to become an intermediate Front-end engineer combining the various technologies to create world-class UI and UX for web apps. I believe this program would also pave way for me as a developer in the job market for software developers. My learning track will be on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, and Vue with other front-end technologies. I am quite optimistic that this program would change the course of my career for the best.

