The New Literacy with DevCareer

Ifeoma Sandra
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2019

Back in the day, people who could read and write changed the world. Today, tech is the new literacy and the future. With its constant growth, in-demand, and innovation the knowledge and implementation of tech sets the world on a digital level.

During my school days as an Undergraduate, we had a very little introduction to computer programming as it is meant to be a part of our curriculum. This very little exposure to computer programming provided me with a glimpse of the world of information technology which got me fascinated about coding and its potential as an instrument to the development of the world.

Many thanks to @devcareers for availing me the opportunity to be a part of the program #laptop4developers and a platform to network with great world changers.

The first week was all-encompassing as we were provided with a very good laptop, a working space with internet access. We had to set up our systems by downloading and installing some applications such as google chrome, slack, pivotal tracker, worklogs, trello and GIT. My teammates and I decided to engage ourselves in the task of designing the UI of a Shopping list app that helps to make a concise budget with the important items prioritized using HTML and CSS. During the week we got settled in our various tracks and were given amazing mentors and access to insightful courses on pluralsight. The first task assigned to us was on GIT, cloning a repository and making a pull request. In the course of completing the task, I got to learn a lot on the use of Git and I went from not having prior knowledge to having a good knowledge of git-flow.

Starting off as a novice in backend development, these past days has illuminated my mind to the bigger picture of Node.js and what can be done with node. I also got to know quite a number of technologies such as MongoDB a database, and Express a framework of Node.js, e.t.c that will be used in backend development.

A popular saying “When you empower a woman, you empower a nation” has over time been proven to be true with the involvement of women in tech not being an exclusion. Quite a number of women have spearheaded the campaign for more women inclusion in tech and I’m glad that this opportunity with @devcareers has proven the campaign is making headways. I’m looking forward to becoming an intermediate backend developer and measuring up with the standards for employability and the platform to change the world one code at a time.



Ifeoma Sandra

Ifeoma is passionate about technology and its many applications with experience in backend web development (NodeJs/NestJs).