6 Must-Have Skills for Remote Work

Devcenter Square Blog
3 min readJan 10, 2018

Remote work is a highly valuable and desirable working arrangement, but not everyone works well without supervision. The freedom to work from any part of the world, the lack of a commute and more time with family are benefits that can lure a person into remote work. However, remote work comes with responsibilities. Here’s what you need to know about the most in-demand set of soft skills for the remote worker:


As a remote worker, you need to be able to clearly articulate what you’re working on and the value it brings to the organization. Utilize different communication tools and platforms (e.g., Skype, Slack, Trello etc.) to collaborate and work with team members. You should be familiar with the most common tools used, keep your messages clear, concise, and correct (in other words, read, edit, and then proofread one more time before pressing “send”). Working remotely could be a bit challenging because some key components of effective communication — like body language and facial expressions — are missing. It’s very important to listen intently and double check on facts to make sure there are little or no misunderstandings. A vital part of communication is the ability to listen. Being able to listen effectively leads to better understanding of your employer and your colleagues.

Time Management

You might be working in a different region than at least some, if not all, of your team, you’ll have to be aware of time zones. Since remote work sometimes makes it difficult to know what your co-workers are doing at any particular moment, you also need to be sensitive about using their time. So, make a point to include dates and time zones when you suggest or agree to meetings or deadlines with a colleague.

Ability to prioritize

Being organized is important, but being able to prioritize your tasks is even more vital as a remote worker. Knowing which projects are the most important, and which things to work on first, is really important when you’re doing more solo work. As a remote worker, you’ll naturally be working on your own most of the time and won’t have colleagues to turn to for some quick help. That’s why employers are eager to hire people who are independent and self-sufficient for remote roles.


Even if your job won’t specifically be a technical one, you’ll definitely need to feel comfortable with both software and hardware as a remote worker. Companies need to know that you can manage without an IT department. Virtual communication relies heavily on your ability to navigate new technologies and make the most of the tools your organization depends on. Regardless of whether or not your actual role is tech-related, as a remote worker you’re going to be using technology throughout your day. Brush up on some basic tech skills and prove that you can handle the backend of a WordPress site without assistance. Or maybe you want to take it one step further and show that you can read simple HTML without needing guidance.


Your employer has to trust that you are able to work independently with very few directions. As a remote worker, you won’t have the luxury of co-workers sitting next to you, so many times you may need to figure out issues for yourself. If you’re the type of person who prefers more guidance and supervision, working remotely may not be an ideal situation for you.


Having a healthy work-life balance is necessary even for office workers. However, it is very important for a remote worker who might spend over 12 hours per day interacting with a computer. While it might seem like telecommuting is the way to achieve work-life balance, this is not necessarily a given. You will have to put an effort behind this. Working remotely may help create balance in your life, but only if you have discipline.

These skills are good to show in any job, but they’re absolutely crucial when you’re working remotely. As the attitude of “how we get work done” continues to evolve, more people will find themselves with the opportunity to work from home. What about you? Are you ready?


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