Developing a License Plate Recognition System with Machine Learning in Python

Femi Oladeji
Devcenter Square Blog
7 min readAug 3, 2017

In this tutorial, I’ll be taking you through the basics of developing a vehicle license plate recognition system using the concepts of machine learning with Python.

What exactly are we trying to do?

License Plate Recognition Systems use the concept of optical character recognition to read the characters on a vehicle license plate. In other words, LPR takes the image of a vehicle as the input and outputs the characters written on its license plate. Can you imagine how invaluable this would be to your undercover/detective skills? You can pull off all the necessary details about a car from the license plate characters.

What has Machine Learning got to do with this?

I’m tempted to say everything but nah! that would be wrong. LPR systems can actually be developed without using machine learning. Other concepts like template matching, feature extraction etc. can be used. However, with machine learning, we can improve the system accuracy by improving the training process. We’re going to use machine learning for the character recognition aspect i.e map a character image to its actual character and differentiate between As, Bs etc.

Is this tutorial really for me?

If you’re thinking of building your own JARVIS with Morgan Freeman’s voice then yeah. Ok that’s an exaggeration. Essentially this tutorial just shows you how you apply image processing and machine learning towards solving a real life challenge. All you need to know is Python and some concepts in image processing and machine learning. I will do my best to explain those concepts but you can do further research to understand them.

Let’s get started then…

LPR sometimes called ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition) has 3 major stages.

  1. License Plate Detection: This is the first and probably the most important stage of the system. It is at this stage that the position of the license plate is determined. The input at this stage is an image of the vehicle and the output is the license plate.
  2. Character Segmentation: It’s at this stage the characters on the license plate are mapped out and segmented into individual images.
  3. Character Recognition: This is where we wrap things up. The characters earlier segmented are identified here. We’ll be using machine learning for this.

Enough of the theory, can we start coding?

Sure, let’s prepare our environment. First thing we need to do is create a virtual environment. This makes it easy to manage our project dependencies and packages. You can use virtualenv package to create a virtual environment.

# install virtualenv if you don’t have the package already
pip install virtualenv
mkdir license-plate-recognition
cd license-plate-recognition
virtualenv lpr
source lpr/bin/activate

A folder with the name lpr should now be in your project directory.

Now, let’s install our first package scikit-image. It’s a Python package for image processing. To install it, run.

pip install scikit-image

Some key dependencies of the package are scipy (for some complex scientific calculations), numpy (for n-dimensional arrays manipulations) and matplotlib (for plotting graphs and displaying images). Another important package is Pillow — a python imaging library.

License Plate Detection (Plate localization)

This is the first stage and at the end of this stage, we should be able to identify the license plate’s position on the car. In order to do this, we need to read the image and convert it to grayscale. In a grayscale image, each pixel is between 0 & 255. We now need to convert it to a binary image in which a pixel is either complete black or white.

Note: If you have issues using matplotlib on your mac-os, follow this instruction.

The output of the code below will show two images, one in grayscale and the other in binary.

Gray scale and binary image

We need to identify all the connected regions in the image, using the concept of connected component analysis (CCA). Other approaches like edge detection and morphological processing can also be explored. CCA basically helps us group and label connected regions on the foreground. A pixel is deemed to be connected to another if they both have the same value and are adjacent to each other.

We had to import the previous file so that we can access the values we have there. The measure.label method was used to map all the connected regions in the binary image and label them. Calling the regionprops method on the labelled image will return a list of all the regions as well as their properties like area, bounding box, label etc. We used the patches.Rectangle method to draw a rectangle over all the mapped regions.

From the resulting image, we can see that other regions that do not contain the license plate are also mapped. In order to eliminate these, we will use some characteristics of a typical license plate to remove them.

  1. They are rectangular in shape.
  2. The width is more than the height.
  3. The proportion of the width of the license plate region to the full image ranges between 15% and 40%.
  4. The proportion of the height of the license plate region to the full image is between 8% & 20%.

Don’t hesitate to tweak these characteristics if it doesn’t work for the shape of your license plate (the probability of that is low though).

From the revised version of the script, other regions that are likely not license plates are eliminated. However, it’s still possible that certain areas (headlamps, stickers etc) that look exactly like a license plate are also being marked. To eliminate those other regions, we’ll need to do a vertical projection. The concept is implemented by adding all the pixels in each column. It is assumed that the license plate area will have lots of pixel values due to the fact that characters are written on it.

Character Segmentation

This is the stage where we map out all the characters on the license plate. We’ll be using the concept of CCA here also.

The plate_like_objects is a list of all the regions on the car that look like a license plate. From the image I used, three regions were identified as candidates for a license plate. To save time, I hardcoded the index 2 because that’s the one with the license plate. The final code I’ll be sharing will contain a license plate validation technique to eradicate other regions that do not actually contain the license plate.

Then a CCA was done on the license plate and each character was resized to 20px by 20px. This was done because of the next stage that has to do with recognition of the character.

In order to keep track of the order of the characters, the column_list variable was introduced to take note of the starting x-axis of each region. This can then be sorted to know the correct order of the characters.

Character Recognition

This is going to be the last stage, it’s at this stage we introduce the concept of machine learning. Machine learning can simply be defined as the branch of AI that deals with data and processes it to discover pattern that can be used for future predictions. The major categories of machine learning are supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning. Supervised learning makes use of a known dataset (called the training dataset) to make predictions. We’ll be taking the path of supervised learning because we already have an idea of how As, Bs and all the letters look like. Supervised learning can be divided into two categories; classification and regression. Character recognition belongs to the classification category.

All we need now is to get a training data set, choose a supervised learning classifier, train a model, test the model and see how accurate it is, then use the model for prediction.

Let’s start with training our model. I have two different datasets, one is 10px by 20px and the other is 20px by 20px. We’ll make use of the 20px by 20px because we’ve already resized each character to that size. Each letter except O and I (a typical Nigerian license plate doesn’t have these letters because of their resemblance with 0 and 1) has 10 different images.

There are several classifiers we can use with each of them having its advantages and disadvantages. We’ll use SVC (support vector classifiers) for this task. I chose to use SVC because it gave me the best performance. However, this does not necessarily mean that SVC is the best classifier.

We’ll have to install the scikit-learn package for this stage.

pip install scikit-learn

In the gist above, each character in the training dataset was used to train the svc model. A 4-fold cross validation was also done to determine how accurate the model is and then the model was persisted to a file so that predictions can be done without training a model anymore.

Now that we have a trained model, we can attempt to predict the characters that we earlier segmented.


One of the most important things about the system is to ensure that the images used are clear. Also ensure that the size of the image is not too big, a width of 600px is good enough. If you have questions please drop it in the comments section. Thanks

The full app can be found on

