I Got Great Gigs in Devcenter Square — Episode 1

Devcenter Square Blog
3 min readApr 20, 2018

We had a chat with @Delino(Liberty Ekpoto), a member of our community — Devcenter Square. Liberty has gotten some great gigs via the #gigs channel and Gigson — our aggregation site.

Core: What’s your background in Software Development and how did you start coding?

Liberty: I actually studied Accounting in school. My friend Dara Oladouso helped me get started. So, the first time I used Google Maps, I asked myself “How is it possible to click and all these things are happening?”. At first I thought it was just the computer I was using. Then I learned about the Internet, then HTML, then Javascript.

Core: What did you start to learn at first?

Liberty: I learnt PHP, then Javascript before I started learning frameworks. At the moment I’m adept at Laravel and the M-E-N stack. So NodeJs, Native Scripts, ExpressJs and Mongoose.

Core: How long have you been developing for?

Liberty: 5 years now but professionally, 3 years.

Core: How did you hear about Devcenter Square?

Delino: During the HNG Internship. I am currently a mentor in the program.

Editor’s note. Hotels.ng holds a yearly remote Software Development Internships. It’s one of the largest and most thorough Software development internship programmes in Africa.

Core: Can you tell us more about the gigs you’ve been getting in Devcenter Square?

Liberty: I got my current job at Cavidel limited ( a financial software development company) from the #gigs channel. Most of our applications are Most back-office Apps like account posting and general ledgers.

Core: Can you describe some of the remote gigs as well?

Liberty: I have worked on building an Agricultural Web application that connect farmers and buyers as well as an event booking platform for events like the upcoming FIFA World Cup. I’ve built a lot of APIs in the process because most of the applications are API-dependent.

Core: And what was the renumeration like?

Delino: Above Average Nigerian Salary

Core: If you were to encourage new members of Devcenter Square and Younger developers, what would you say to them?

Liberty: My advice is for them to take a year if possible to learn. Then try to build some solutions in a day or two. Deep learning will reduce your time spent coding by a lot.

Liberty’s story is the kind of story that keeps us going and gets us motivated to do even more for the African developer community. We’re committed to growing Devcenter Square as the network for technical talent in Africa.


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