Celestine Ezeokoye

“It is really cool to see Devcenter morph into an amazing platform” — Celestine Ezeokoye

Devcenter Square Blog
2 min readJul 11, 2016


I’ve been wanting to put out this post since last year December.

When in 2015 I was deep in consulting/building bespoke software to support my efforts at signing up partners on Tiketmobile , there was a few places I could go for a guaranteed gig. Then I found Devcenter.

Thing is, I’m rather selective of projects I work on. Being an entrepreneur building a business, it’s important I work on projects that don’t consume so much of my time, but yet is meaningful. Also, I take reputation to be really important in this line of work. Reputation in terms of professionalism & expertise, delivery of agreed project objective and infusion of experience into the whole development process. So whenever I searched for projects, I put these factors into consideration.

Around July last year, Devcenter put out notice of a gig in Abuja. A company needed temporary development positions for a major project that they were working on. I reached out to Seun and indicated interest and I was linked up. After project was completed, Seun reached out to them and they gave me a favourable rating. This prompted them to recommend me to Neuronah Software, where I currently work, with an arrangement that lets me still build Tiketmobile and other interests I have.

I think platforms like Devcenter are important. Periodically, there’s one complain or anther in the community about people getting developers to execute projects for them and the developers absconding without delivering. This is a role I think Devcenter can grow into catering to. I know they have this service of listing community projects, but in my opinion that’s not where their primary utility is. For content, it could continue. But for me, their biggest value is in linking up developers where they’re needed for temporary and/or permanent placements, with whatever arrangements work for all the parties involved.

Being a beneficiary of their service, it is really cool to see Devcenter morph into an amazing platform by launching a job site for Nigerian developers. But not just any job site. One that’s going to bridge the gap and take out all the hustle of finding a client, managing that client, meeting deadlines and getting paid. For clients, it also takes out the stress of finding a properly rated developer for your work.

If you’re reading this in the Nigerian developer community and are open to freelancing, head to jobs.devcenter.co and signup right away. I worked with them and I didn’t regret it.

— — Celestine Ezeokoye ( Founder, TiketMobile/Code Ninja, Neuronah)

