Nigeria is Now

Devcenter Square Blog
3 min readJul 28, 2017

Last year Mark Zuckerberg visited Nigeria.

This year Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google is here.
These actions are more than just PR visits.
They are a validation of the Nigerian technology market.

It’s time to Shine.


You can read more about Sundar’s visit and Google’s announcements for Nigeria here.

Interesting stuff From this Week

Runbook Automation with Zabbix and Rundeck

Kosy explains how you can integrate Zabbix trigger based actions into Rundeck. Rundeck is a job scheduler and automation tool while Zabbix is software for measuring metrics in your application.

Learn the automation

Introduction to Android components

Google Developer Expert Rebecca Franks talks about architectuer components in this Hangouts on Air. You should totally watch it.

Watch it Here

Using GraphQL in ASP.NET

In this multi-part series, Michael is explaining in detail, how to add GraphQL API explorer to your ASP.NET Web API.

Get the lessons

Many to Many relationship using Sequelize ORM (Postgres) on Express

Michael Ozoemena was a bit confused while setting up a relationship between tables using the Sequelize ORM. He fixed it and made a guide.

Get the Guide

The Design Section

100 Day Animation Challenge

Oshoma recently completed a 100 Day animation challenge and made a showreel of his work. Watch and show him some Retweet love.

Watch the Showreel

Get Past your Creative Block

Henry wrote a great article on Think Senpai about getting past your creative block and becoming…umm… more creative.

Read This

From the Community

Laravel Login with Facebook

@sirolad created a simple package to make password-less login possible in Laravel using Facebook’s account kit.

Check it out

Boilerplate to build Go web apps

@stephenafamo created a boilerplate for creating websites using Go.

Get it here

Designindex is a curated list of UI/UX resources created by Imogie Mubarak. It’s being developed and updated by friends.

Get these Resources

Join the Community here


Microsoft is Hiring

Are you a University student who loves to write code? Microsoft is running a code competition for students. Deadline is the 29th of July so hurry.

Details Here

Devcenter Developer Session

The next Devcenter Developer Session will hold on Monday 31st of July at 5pm WAT . This session will hold in Square’s slack in the #dev-xp-sessions channel. Joining us are Samuel Gikandi — CTO Africa’s Talking (@gikandi) & Micheal Okpala — Software Developer Africa’s Talking (@mikedeace).

Signup for Square Here

Keep the flag flying,



Devcenter is a community-driven network of verified Software Developers and Designers in Africa.

We bring you all the latest happenings in the developer ecosystem in Africa, right into your email box.

