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Unlike Humpty Dumpty, Core Won’t Fall

Devcenter Square Blog
3 min readDec 17, 2016


On Wednesday, Mark Essien dropped a tweet that started a little uproar. Some people agreed, some disagreed. Some were sad, but still agreed. Core likes to seat on the fence, but unlike Humpty Dumpty, Core won’t fall. Never.

Remember the iRoko TV Code Competition? Well, Jason felt there were no globally standard talents in Lagos, talk less Nigeria, but at the end of the competition, his thought process changed.

Now let’s go back to Mark’s tweet, while thinking of the iRoko TV incident. Mark is saying we don’t have globally good devs (that is the top devs here may not rank high on a global scale) and iRoko has seen that there are good devs that could and would rank high globally, but they aren’t the ones we see everywhere, they are coded, quiet and making good stuff in their silos.

Core wants to fix that, and by the powers self-bestowed on Core, Core shall bring them out. Now Core thinks the title should have been Discovery, but Core doesn’t make mistakes so the title is correct✌

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